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2018-03-27 10:56:59   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

勁爆體育意甲:來自於義大利足協的官方消息,祖雲達斯主帥艾歷尼當選2016-17賽季意甲最佳領隊(金板凳獎)。 在剛剛結束的投票評選中,

    中文名稱 艾歷尼
    外文名稱 Massimiliano Allegri
    所屬球會 祖雲達斯
    位置 (簡) 領隊
    出生日期 1967年8月11日
    國籍 義大利
    身高 183cm
    加盟日期 2014年7月16日
    前度球會 AC米蘭
    轉會費 --
    曾效力球會 AC米蘭、卡利亞裏、Aglianese、Real SPAL、哥錫圖、莎索羅
Madden Sports Serie A: Official news from the Italian Football Association, Zou Yundas coach Alessandro was elected Serie A best team leader in the 2016-17 season (Golden Bench Award).
In the just-concluded vote, Aleini defeated Atlanta coach Gasbi Lini and coach Napoli Shari, and won the third best Serie A team leader, tying the number of wins to dry land and Carbi Road.
Last season, Alessandro led Zou Yundas to achieve a record six consecutive Serie A, and completed the Italian Cup three consecutive championships, in addition to the team also led by Alessandro into the Champions League final.
Chinese name Ai Reni
Name in Italian: Massimiliano Allegri
Affiliation Club Zuyundas
Location (Jane) Leader
Date of birth August 11, 1967
Nationality Italy
Height 183cm
Date of joining July 16, 2014
Former degree club AC Milan
Transfer fees --
Has played for clubs AC Milan, Cagliari, Aglianese, Real SPAL, Costa Sitara, Shasoro

文章关键词:艾歷尼 2017-2018賽季 意甲聯賽 最佳領隊 勁爆體育
