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2018-03-29 10:31:17   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文


    中文名稱 沙裏

    外文名稱 Maurizio Sarri

    所屬球會 拿玻裏

    位置 (簡) 領隊

    出生日期 1959年1月9日

    國籍 義大利

    身高 cm

    加盟日期 2015年6月12日

    前度球會 恩波裏

    轉會費 --

    曾效力球會 --
Madden Sports Serie A: According to information from Milan Sports News, Boris coach Shari asked to postpone the renewal negotiations to the end of the season. For the coaching of the next season, Shari has his own requirements for value.
Shari’s contract renewal was originally expected to be reached this week, but the team’s chairman, Dlorentidis, declined to discuss the issue of renewal in an interview. "Metal" said that Shari wanted to focus on the Serie A championship. At present, the team is only 2 points behind Zuyundas. Shari hopes to wait until the end of the season to resume the contract.
It is reported that Dlorentidis wants to remove the 8 million euros penalty clause in the Shari contract and is willing to double its annual salary to about 3 million euros, while Shari’s asking price is close to 4 million euros.
Chinese name 沙里

Maurizio Sarri in a foreign language

Affiliated club Napoli

Location (Jane) Leader

Date of birth January 9, 1959

Nationality Italy

Height cm

Joining date June 12, 2015

Pre-ball game Empori

Transfer fees --

Has played for the club --

文章关键词:那不勒斯 《米蘭體育報》 沙裏 勁爆體育 意甲
