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表現出色 阿仙奴希望續約艾朗藍斯
2018-04-08 11:23:44   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

勁爆體育國際足球:根據來自英國《每日郵報》報導,阿仙奴希望與艾朗藍斯簽下續約合同,以避免阿歷斯山齊士轉投曼聯的事情再次發生。 歐

    中文名稱 艾朗藍斯
    外文名稱 Aaron Ramsey
    所屬球會 阿仙奴
    位置 (簡) 中場
    出生日期 1990年12月26日
    國籍 威爾斯
    身高 178cm
    加盟日期 2008年6月13日
    前度球會 卡迪夫城
    轉會費 500萬英鎊
    曾效力球會 卡迪夫城、諾定鹹森林、卡迪夫城青年軍
Madden Sports International Football: According to reports from the British "Daily Mail", Arsenal hopes to sign a contract extension with Erlan Lans to avoid the recurrence of the transition from Alex Shants to Manchester United.
In the Europa League semi-finals, Arsenal beat Moscow CSKA 4-1 at home. In this game, Alain Langs scored twice and helped Arsenal to advance.
According to the "Daily Mail", the next season will be the last season of the Alan Lans contract. The current weekly salary of Wales International is 110,000 pounds, and the salary may also be an obstacle to the renewal negotiations.
Arsenal recently signed large contracts in succession, including Oscar, who paid 350,000 pounds a week, and Oba Mayan and Michdayn, who are paid 200,000 pounds a week. Erlan Lans hopes his salary will increase.
Coach Yunge said: "We are conducting exchanges, yes, I am very confident in reaching an agreement. The contract between Alan Lance and the club is not about to expire, he has a one-and-a-half year contract. From my point of view Look, this is a very obvious thing, but you first need to reach an agreement."
"He has always been healthy. Sometimes when you suffer another injury, you will find out where the problem lies. This is like an engine. The human body is like a car. We must find out where it is the key and what changes we need to make." Sometimes you have to change an action, but it takes time."
"I don't want to persuade a player who should be renewing and the club to renew his contract. I hope that the players will be happy to play for the club. Having players willing to play for the club is the way we run football, and we think it's very Important values. We are willing to pay a reasonable salary. Everything needs to be combined."
Chinese name 埃朗兰斯
Aaron Ramsey
Affiliated club
Location (Simplified) Midfield
Date of birth December 26, 1990
Nationality Wells
Height 178cm
Date of joining June 13, 2008
Pre-ball game Cardiff City
Transfer fee 5 million pounds
Has played for clubs Cardiff City, Noddingham Forest, Cardiff City Youth

文章关键词:阿仙奴 續約 艾朗藍斯 勁爆體育 國際足球
