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2016-03-18 20:14:20   作者:adv09   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

​CANGULU坎古路品牌历史: CANGULU(坎古路)品牌始创于意大利米兰,于2006年在中国大陆注册,并申请了多项开发设计发明专利,是一


        CANGULU(坎古路)在广大消费者的信赖和支持下,历经数十年的发展、壮大,使其位于江苏南通的CANGULU(坎古路)康乐设备的生产基地,拥有当今国内最为完善的生产技术与管理理念,所属产品具有超强的生命力和巨大的市场推广前景。 CANGULU(坎古路)全方位提升企业管理、技术、产品、人才、服务的系统竞争能力, 从设计到市场推广,在每一个环节上都力求创新,是国内为数不多拥有尖端设计研发团队的企业之一。          
        CANGULU(坎古路)重视信息搜集,关注意大利、法国、美国等国际波比足球盛行地的最新发展动向,使其专用比赛台的生产设计更是完美融合了开发者的市场洞察力和比赛者的运用心理体会,精益求精,CANGULU(坎古路)比赛专用台在国内乃至国际波比足球舞台上的统治地位长盛不衰。 CANGULU(坎古路)拥有强大的渠道资源整合能力,目前正处于高速扩展阶段,公司采用直营与加盟相结合的方式进行渠道建设。现已与全国多家体育用品直营店达成品牌推广意向,力争以完美的品质、精良的工艺、上等的选材及高效的售后服务,赢取广大顾客的信赖和支持。“高档的享受,合理的价格”是CANGULU(坎古路)亘古不变的追求,这样的市场定位充分顾及到了社会各阶层波比足球爱好者的消费能力,使其必将已经成为市场知名的波比足球品牌。我们的目标是“让更多的人动起来!”,并最终成为世界一流的波比足球品牌。 CANGULU(坎古路)大中华区CEO MR.SPRUCE率领全体同仁,填补了国内品牌波比足球项目的空白,籍以成熟的品牌、优质的产品、合理的价格,完善的加盟体系,期望与您携手共创波比足球业未来的繁荣昌盛。



        CANGULU(坎古路牌)波比足球,简单、易学,老少皆宜,只需要用双手转动足球机操纵杆,带动操纵杆上的小人前后、左右的位置移动,完成控制球、传接球、射门等攻防动作;波比足球是现代足球的一个翻版,满足了不同的社会人群去了解足球,拥抱足球和热爱足球的心理,也实现了他们在场下自主娱乐的梦想,深受社会各界人士的欢迎和喜爱; 波比足球攻防双方转换迅速,对抗激烈,能有效地协调操纵者的脑、眼、手的集中思维程度,对人的左右脑开发和左右手协调起到至关重要的锻炼,被誉为“脑部桑拿”运动,对老年人来说,这一运动能有效地预防老年性痴呆、记忆力衰退等老年惯性病,值得注意的是:波比足球机在市场上也是品种繁多,质量参差不齐,大陆市场90%以上属于促销广告类足球机,用料差、做工粗,几乎没有任何的产品技术和人体工学的数据参数,易损坏,达不到运动的持续性和本该得到的锻炼休闲的效果,易出现死球及一些粗矿产品固有的弊端,使玩乐族痛心疾首,延缓了这一运动在国内的发展速度和大众的接受程度;“坎古路”牌波比足球机志在创立民族品牌,使其在世界波比足球行业中占有一席之地,延续了欧美此类产品的造诣高端,质量上乘的优点,此外选材讲究,防潮,防热、拉丝不锈钢护身、钢化玻璃台面、四周防死球设计、特有安全精密轴承和升缩杆技术、液压一体成型品貌端详的足球仔、异型缓冲弹簧设计、铁脚及周身数十种专利模具配件,处处体现出这一世界品牌的高端技术和不凡的生产工艺。


Brand history:
CANGULU (Kangulu) brand was founded in Milan, Italy, in 2006 registered in mainland China, and apply for the development of a number of design patents, is a special match and Taiwan, the train station, amusement toys and Taiwan etc. series brand of high quality recreational equipment production and marketing enterprises.
CANGULU Kangulu under the trust and support of the vast number of consumers, after decades of development, grow, the production base is located in Nantong, Jiangsu CANGULU (Kangulu) and recreational equipment, with today's the most perfect production technology and management concept, the product has strong vitality and great market foreground. CANGULU Kangulu all-round improve enterprise management, technology, products, talents, service competition ability of the system, from design to marketing, on a per link will strive to innovation, is a domestic one of the few have cutting-edge design R & D team of one of the enterprises.
CANGULU Kangulu attention to gathering information, pay close attention to the latest development trend of the prevailing in Italy, France, the United States and other international Bobby football, make the special game production design is the perfect blend of developers market insight and match the use of psychological experience, fine refinement, CANGULU (Kangulu) game special station in domestic and international football and Bobby stage the dominance of eternity. CANGULU Kangulu has a strong channel resources conformity ability, is currently in the stage of rapid expansion, the company straight battalion and join in the combination of channel construction. Has been with the national sports goods stores to achieve brand promotion intention, and strive to perfect quality, sophisticated technology, superior material selection and efficient after-sales service, to win the trust and support of the majority of customers. "Enjoyment of luxury and reasonable price" is invariant CANGULU (Kangulu) everlasting pursuit. This kind of market positioning fully take into account to the consumption capacity of the society from all walks of life Bobby football fans, the will has become the market leading Bobby football brand. Our goal is "to get more people moving."!" And eventually become the world's first class Bobbi football brand. CANGULU Kangulu Greater China CEO MR.SPRUCE led all my colleagues, to fill gaps in the domestic brands Bobby football program, membership in mature brand, quality products, reasonable prices, improve the franchise system, expect with you to join hands in creating a bobby football industry in the future the thriving and prosperous.
Brand story:
CANGULU (kangu signs) Bobbi football, simple and easy, suitable for all ages, only football machine rotation of the lever is driven to move around, with both hands, the joystick villain about position, complete control of the ball, pass the ball, shooting and other defensive action; Bobbi football is a replica of the modern football, to meet the different social groups to understand football, football and soccer loving embrace psychology, also achieved their dreams under the presence of self entertainment, deeply welcomed by the community and love; Bobbi football both offensive and defensive conversion rapidly, fierce confrontation, concentrated thinking degree can effectively coordinate the operator's brain, eyes, hands, for people the left and right brain development and right hand coordination plays an important role in the exercise, known as the "brain sauna" campaign, for the elderly, this exercise can effectively prevent the elderly Dementia, memory loss, etc. the elderly used venereal disease, it is worth noting that the Bobbi football machine is the variety in the market variety, quality is uneven, more than 90% belong to the mainland market promotion advertising class football machine, poor materials, workmanship rough, almost no data parameters, product technology and human body engineering is not easy to damage, to exercise the continuity and the leisure exercise effect, easy to play and some problems inherent in the coarse ore products, to play the sport with deep hatred and resentment, delay in the development speed and the domestic public acceptance; "Kangulu" brand Bobbi football machine aimed at the creation of the national brands. Occupy a space for one person in the world Bobbi football industry, the continuation of the European high-end products such attainments quality advantages, in addition, material stress, moisture, heat, drawing Protective stainless steel, tempered glass table, around anti snookered design, safety specific precision bearings and shrinkage football rod technology, hydraulic forming one Pinmao peered at Aberdeen, shaped buffer spring design, iron feet and systemic dozens of patent mold accessories, reflect everywhere the world brand of high-end technology and extraordinary production technology.

