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2018-03-26 18:56:04   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文




    中文名稱 高圖爾斯

    外文名稱 Thibaut Courtois

    所屬球會 車路士

    位置 (簡) 門將

    出生日期 1992年5月11日

    國籍 比利時

    身高 199cm

    加盟日期 2011年7月14日

    前度球會 馬德里體育會

    轉會費 --

    曾效力球會 亨克
    Madden Sports International Football: Gao Tures said in an interview recently that he hopes that the contract issue between himself and Chelsea can be solved before the World Cup.

    Gotours said: "If I can enter the World Cup with a clear idea, renew my contract, or wait another year, then I can use a sober mind to conquer this event."
    "I'm still proud to be able to work for Chelsea and I also want to be successful. I have a one-year contract with Chelsea and I feel good at Chelsea. After the season is over, we will sit down. Talk, get a final conclusion."
    For his mistakes in the Champions League game against Bass in the team, former Manchester United and Basel coach John Gore called it a "major mistake," and Gotours responded: "When I heard the so-called expert's remarks , I think they know nothing about the goalkeeper."
    "For example, Yun Geer. Such a person shouldn't talk about the goalkeeper. I know I'm doing well right now. I'm preparing for the World Cup and I'll slowly reach my best."
    Chinese name 高图尔斯

    Chinese name Thibaut Courtois

    Affiliated club Che Lushi

    Location (Jane) Goalkeeper

    Date of birth May 11, 1992

    Nationality Belgium

    Height 199cm

    Join Date July 14, 2011

    Pre-ball game Madrid Sports Association

    Transfer fees --

    Played for the club Henk

文章关键词:高圖爾斯 勁爆體育 國際足球 車路士 歐冠比賽
