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西維爾強勁 查維馬天尼斯稱不會輕敵
2018-04-03 15:11:08   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文


    中文名稱 查維馬天尼斯
    外文名稱 Javi Martinez
    所屬球會 拜仁慕尼克
    位置 (簡) 中場
    出生日期 1988年9月2日
    國籍 西班牙
    身高 190cm
    加盟日期 2012年8月29日
    前度球會 畢爾包
    轉會費 4000萬歐元
    曾效力球會 奧沙辛拿
Champions League UEFA Champions League: Bayern Munich is about to play in the first round of the Champions League semi-final match against Xavier. Before the game, Bayern midfielder Chavez Martinez said in an interview with ESPN that Seville had the strength of Real Madrid's Pasay and wanted to beat away on the road. The opponent needs to take 100% of his strength.
He said: "Perhaps people think that Seville is not as strong as Barcelona or Real Madrid, but I think they have such strength."
"If we don't have 100% strength, they may beat us. They beat Manchester United before and they are a good example. I think they deserve to win two rounds on the home and away."
"When they visited Manchester United, they scored two goals in difficult situations. They played like giants. This is why they are very threatening. They know how to play important games and know what to do."
Chinese name Chavima Tinis
Foreign Name Javi Martinez
Affiliate Club Bayern Munich
Location (Simplified) Midfield
Date of birth September 2, 1988
Nationality Spain
Height 190cm
Join Date August 29, 2012
Pre-ball game Bilbao
Transfer fee 40 million euros
Has played for the club Oshashina

文章关键词:西維爾 查維馬天尼斯 勁爆體育 歐冠 拜仁
