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Give high school students a chance to enter
2018-12-18 21:01:12   作者:Football   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

in recent years there have also been participation in the five-a-side competition, allowing players to accumulate some competition experience and enhance their confidence

Madden Sports Taiwan Provincial Football: Nanshi North Gate High School is one of the strongest football schools. Although it is still dominated by the 11-person system, in recent years there have also been participation in the five-a-side competition, allowing players to accumulate some competition experience and enhance their confidence. .

Due to the large number of players in the North Gate, coach Huang Zhengzong does not want some players to have the opportunity to play the game. Therefore, he will arrange for Xiao Gaoyi and players who have not been elected to the 11-a-side system to participate in the five-a-side schedule. Huang Zhengzong said: "There will be competitions. With the motivation to practice and the stage to play, players can be more confident."

The experience of the five-a-side player competition in the North Gate is not very rich. Therefore, Huang Zhengzong expects the players to come here to receive training. He said: "The players are actually very lacking in self-confidence, and they are very nervous and timid, so they practice. Nothing can be expressed, so I hope they can experience the intensity of the game, find ways to compete with other teams, make things that are practiced, increase their confidence, and try their best. This is the most important thing."

Although the development of the five-person system is the future trend, Huang Zhengzong said that the North Gate will still be biased towards the development of the 11-person system. Because of the limited school venues and coaching groups, the five-person system needs a little bit of maturity. Time, but the coaching staff will strengthen the study, class, and learn more about the five-person training method, so that players can learn more about the sport and apply it to the game.

文章关键词:劲爆体育 台省足球 南雄市足球 北门高中 黄正宗
