
2018-04-27 16:56:45   作者:校园足球   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文


    Start from December 2017, the first season of Cal center football league was just successfully concluded in April. On the behalf of the cal center football association, I want to thank all the people who participated and contributed to the league, your efforts are remarkable and always remembered, thank you!
    我们相信每一位队员都为自己的团队奋力拼搏,有些队员表现突出并取得多个进球。Eric Otieno老师在众多射手中脱颖而出。他和他的团队凭借着精密的配合最终摘得桂冠。
    We believe that every one, every player did a good job fighting for their team. Some players performed noticeably well and scored many times. Mr. Eric Otieno for example, is the top scorer. With the proficient cooperation with his teammate, he and his team ultimately won the trophy.
    And also, for the Hangzhou foreign language school football league, our team did a fantastic job. I have to say that this team might be the most powerful team from this center ever. We won the first match against the year 1 team from the main school and also managed to score in the match against last year’s champion team.
    These are the worriers and we are going to spare no pains in the following matches. I would like students in this center to be personally by our side to witness the next winning of this team. That is in May 2nd Wednesday.
    Thank you for your support! Cal center football team is stronger because of you!
——叶桢洋 Sherlock

文章关键词:杭州外国语学校 足球联赛 剑高联队 校园足球 劲爆体育
