
2016-03-12 21:18:51   作者:adv09   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

迄今为止的2016年,阿迪达斯推出新品的速度可谓让人窒息,也是在历史上前所未见的。让我们看看他们究竟是如何在开年3个月后就主导了2016年的足球鞋市场。自一月初无鞋带的Ace16+ PureControl发布并占据各大头条以来,阿迪达斯的各种发布会似乎就从未间断过。



        自一月初无鞋带的Ace16+ PureControl发布并占据各大头条以来,阿迪达斯的各种发布会似乎就从未间断过。三个月以来,市场上百花齐放,而无鞋带的PureControl则是万花丛中绽放的最绚烂的一朵,其太阳能能绿色的首发配色也很难让人忘怀。


        当然,除了PureControl之外,一些有鞋带的足球鞋同样出彩,比如PureControl的老大哥,Ace16.1 Primeknit,这双鞋也是今年最佳足球鞋的有力竞争者之一。三个月三款全新配色,这本身就是阿迪达斯主打这双鞋的最佳佐证。

        最新的白色Ace16.1 Primeknit可说是足球鞋中的艺术品。
        和Ace系列不同,X系列在2016年尚未得到升级换代,不过在配色更新方面它也并不落人后。如果说粉红色并不能为所有人所接受的话,另外两款配色的效果则相当出色。阿迪达斯也没有忘记女足姑娘们,为他们专门推出了女足专属配色。不管是Ace16.1 Primeknit还是X15.1,它们的女足专属配色都漂亮地足以让男足球员们眼红了。


So far in 2016, Adidas launched the new speed is breathtaking, is unprecedented in the history of. Let's see how they start in 3 months after the 2016 leading football shoe market.
Since the beginning of January without the PureControl Ace16+ release and occupy the bulk of the article, a variety of conference seems to have never stopped. Since the three months, the market flourishing. PureControl without laces, is pair of blossoms bloom the gorgeous flower, solar energy can green the starting color is also very difficult to let a person forget.
Of course, in addition to the PureControl, some shoe of football shoes the same color, such as PureControl big brother, Ace16.1 Primeknit, this pair of shoes is this year's best football shoes powerful competitors of. Three months three new color, which in itself is the best proof of Adidas flagship this pair of shoes.
The latest white Primeknit Ace16.1 can be said to be a work of art in football shoes.

And Ace series is different, X series has not been upgraded in 2016, but it does not fall in the color update. If you say pink and can not be accepted by all people, the other two models of the effect is quite good. Adidas did not forget the women's girls, for their special launch of the women's exclusive color. Whether it is Ace16.1 or Primeknit X15.1, they are beautiful women's exclusive color to the men's soccer players are jealous.

It should be said that in a short period of three months to launch so many products, Adidas's start in 2016 is explosive. So, which one is your food?

文章关键词:足球战靴 阿迪达斯 adidas 积分足球 积分联赛 业余足球 业余联赛
