
2016-03-13 21:09:52   作者:yyh   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文



  据悉,该赛事为广东省全省性11人制的大型足球赛事,由广东省民间足球促进会和广州大业体育联合发起。届时可能会有6至8支球队参赛,获得深圳赛区前两名的球队将晋级全省淘汰赛。主办方表示:“深圳本土的足球氛围非常好,但鲜有大型的11人足球赛事,这次受到众多足球爱好者的邀请后,我们一定会尽全力办好深圳赛区的比赛。” 目前已经有超过10支的球队报名参赛,接下来会经过筛选挑出实力更加出色的球队进行比赛。





The folk Football League Championship recently launched Shenzhen Division

"Kick the game, Qi Qi!" This sentence implies let more people to participate in football, enjoy the fun of football's slogan, finally in the football legend Rong Zhixing matchmaking, recently came to the city of Shenzhen the amateur football atmosphere is rising. Has long been in preparation for the Guangdong football club in the Champions League and Guangdong Football Super League (Shenzhen Division), and "the folk sports Shenzhen football club in the Champions League start ceremony held recently in Shenzhen, the Chinese Soccer Association vice president Rong Zhixing said I hope this event can bring joy to the Shenzhen more football fans.

It is reported that the event for the province of Guangdong Province, the 11 large-scale football tournament, the Guangdong Province, province, the promotion of folk football and Guangzhou sports Co sponsored. There may be 6 to 8 teams, the Shenzhen division of the top two teams will qualify for the playoffs. Organizers said: "Shenzhen local football atmosphere is very good, but few large 11 football matches. By the invitation of many football fans, we will make every effort to run Shenzhen stadium for the game." At present, there are more than 10 teams entered the competition, the next will be selected to pick out the strength of a better team for the game.

Source: General Administration of government website

文章关键词:积分联赛 业余足球 业余比赛 业余球队 业余球员 街头足球 城市足球 JBS 劲爆足球
