
2016-03-16 17:04:49   作者:adv09   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

北京理工大学足球队北京理工大学足球俱乐部(Beijing Institute of Technology Football Club)成立于2000年,是中国北京的一所业余足
北京理工大学足球俱乐部(Beijing Institute of Technology Football Club)成立于2000年,是中国北京的一所业余足球俱乐部,现参加中国足球协会乙级联赛和中国大学生足球联赛。2015年11月1日,北理工客场2:1战胜江西联盛,但依旧不幸降级,将征战2016赛季中乙联赛。

中文队名 北京理工大学足球队
英文队名 Beijing Institute of Technology football team
球队简称 北理工
球队绰号 学生军
体育项目 足球
主要赛事 中国足球协会乙级联赛、中国足球协会杯赛
所属地区 中国 北京市
成立时间 2000年
球队主场 石景山体育场
观众坐席 20000人
所属单位 独立法人公司
总经理 刘启孝
球队领队 汪本聪
主教练 袁微
球队队长 卢斌
主要成员 卢斌、韩光徽、燕翔山、李东昊、王伟、郭子印等
平均年龄 约22岁
球队球迷 北京理工大学球迷
球队队歌 足球季风
1. 球队历史
2000年7月经过全国高等学校入学统一考试,并考试合格。9月整体招入北京理工大学,成为在校大学生。足球队进校后,每年进行冬训,2001年在广州进行冬训。2002年在昆明海埂训练基地进行训练,与中国的职业足球队伍甲A、甲B、乙级队一起进行了冬训,并与多支甲A、甲B队伍进行了教学比赛,取得9 胜7负的战绩,受益匪浅。2003年赴韩国进行冬训,与韩国大学生队进行了大量教学比赛,在大量的教学比赛中,北京理工大学足球队逐渐完善了队伍的技战术风格和战术打法,并取得了19胜2平2负优异的成绩。在学校的大力支持下以及在高水平的飞利浦全国大学生足球联赛中的磨炼,北京理工大学足球队已成为一支既有一定足球职业水准、又具有合格大学生素质的校足球队。
2. 球队阵容

号码 姓名 位置 出生日期 加盟日期 职业 此前球队
1 燕翔山 守门员 1992-03-18 2013    
2 郝强 后卫 1986-01-17 2014    
3. 球队主场
场馆地址: 北京市石景山区八角南大桥南侧
4. 精彩图集





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5. 球队荣誉
6. 我们的目标
7. 联系球队
球队官网:                                   球队博客:
球队微博:                                   电子邮箱:
联系地址:                                   联系电话:
约战电话:                                   加盟球队:

Beijing Institute of Technology FC
Beijing Institute of University Football Club (Beijing Institute of Technology Football Club), established in 2000, Beijing, China an amateur football club, now participate in the China Football Association League (Serie B) and the Chinese University Football League. In November 1, 2015, the Northern Polytechnic 2:1 away victory over Jiangxi Liansheng, but still relegated, will play in the 2016 season in the B league.
Chinese team of Beijing Institute of Technology football team
Beijing Institute of Technology football English name team
The team called the Northern Polytechnic
The team nickname in the students
Football sports
China Football Association's main event Chinese Football Association Cup, Serie B
The area of Beijing city Chinese
Founded in 2000
The team home court of Shijingshan Stadium
The audience seats 20000 people
The unit of independent Incorporated Company
General manager Liu Qixiao
Team leader Wang Bencong
Coach Yuan Wei
Assistant coach
Captain Lu Bin
Key members of the Lu Bin, Han Guanghui, Yan, Li Donghao, Wang Wei, Guo Ziyin Xiangshan etc.
The average age is about 22 years old
The Beijing Institute of Technology team fans fans
The football team song monsoon
1 team history
The Beijing Institute of Technology football team was founded in September 2000, is the predecessor of the team RDFZ three high BTV football club. In 1997 they as after Jianlibao, China the second study abroad the juvenile team traveled to Mexico for a period of two years of football training, after returning home, to participate in the Chinese Football Association held in 1999 "National Football League", a formal dialogue with the professional team.
In July 2000 after the national college entrance examination, and passed the examination. September enrolled in Beijing Institute of Technology, a college students. The football team after school, for the winter every year, 2001 winter in Guangzhou. 2002 in Kunming Haigeng training base training, and China's professional football team a and B, B team with a winter training, and teaching competition and multi branch a, a B team, made nine wins and seven defeats record, benefit bandit is shallow. In 2003 went to Korea for winter training, and Korean students team carried out a large number of teaching competition, in a large number of teaching the game, Beijing Institute of Technology University football team and gradually improve the team's technical and tactical style and tactics, and made 19 wins, 2 draws and 2 defeats excellent results. Under the strong support of the school and at a high level of Philips National College Football League in temper, Beijing Institute of Technology University football team has become a certain professional football level, and has qualified college students of the school football team.
At the same time, Beijing Institute of Technology University football team has delivered a player (Yang Siyuan students to a professional football team, Chongqing Lifan football club team), Singapore professional team to transport a player (Zhangshu classmates, Singapore Chinese club team). In this period and two players (Li Shuang, medical students) to the national youth team trial. At the same time, Beijing Institute of Technology University football team in College Football League in the State Education Commission held, trained twice top scorer Wang Qiang students, two session of best goalkeeper propagation students, the best athletes Zhangshu students. Team has many students has repeatedly been rated as the honorary title of the department or university level excellent League member, outstanding cadres, Miyoshi students, and access to a variety of scholarships.
Team for the Beijing Science University of technology a amateur football team and China University Football League powerhouse, had 2 degrees cicada University Football League champions, nicknamed "students army", initially mainly by eight graduate students, consisting of 22 students can said is Chinese professional football history the highest team. The team's main source of income including the school funding, corporate sponsorship and alumni donations. The players are usually side to side to participate in training and competition, the team only symbolically give them 400 yuan monthly living allowance.
In October 31, 2006, Beijing Polytechnic defeated Tianjin on penalties made up on the locomotive, 2007 Chinese Football Association League qualification. A university amateur teams would move into the professional football league, the football in China also caused extensive discussion due to the Beijing Institute of the success of industry and trade of China Football League second division for the restructuring of the Chinese Football Association.
In early 2007, Beijing Institute of University of technology and Beijing Huaqi Information Digital Technology Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement, to Huaqi subordinate of famous brands of digital patriot named Beijing Aigo college student in the name of the Chinese Football League, and in the first in a competition in surprisingly odd 1-0 beat the old first division team Nanjing has, ultimate League ranked 11th.
In 2009. The team to replace the title sponsor, on behalf of Beijing elegant birds of college students to participate in the Chinese Football League, at the end of the season, Cao Xiandong away to the north and the position of the head coach of the industry and trade.
In 2010, the team from Chinese country team coach Zhang Ning part-time coach. Due to trapped the shortage of funds, Beijing Institute of technology is difficult to sign a good foreign aid, can only use foreign students, for three consecutive years are breathtaking avoid relegation. Zhang Ning led the team in the relegation was originally expected to stay, but because of economic reasons, missed the final in the students.
On the afternoon of April 9, 2015, Xinyuan naming Beijing Science and technology football team and cooperation between the two sides of the press conference in Beijing Institute of Technology Gymnasium held, Xinyuan and North Polytechnic officially signed a cooperation agreement. It is reported that the Xinyuan will become north for the second largest shareholder in the club, and will become the team's title sponsor in the next three years. [2]
In November 1, 2015, the Northern Polytechnic 2:1 away victory over Jiangxi Liansheng, but still relegated, will play in the 2016 season in the B league. The main event

