酋长球场 枪手兵工厂_劲爆百科
2016-03-16 16:47:46   作者:adv09   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

酋长球场(Emirates Stadium),又被译为阿联酋航空球场或埃米尔球场,是英格兰足球超级联赛豪门阿森纳的主场,能容纳观众60,000余人,球

酋长球场(Emirates Stadium),又被译为阿联酋航空球场或埃米尔球场,是英格兰足球超级联赛豪门阿森纳的主场,能容纳观众60,000余人,球场于2006-07赛季正式启用。


最高处:46 米
行政包厢:150 间高级行政包厢:48 间比赛日行政包厢可供应套餐:2000 份
饮食售卖处:250 处
厕所:900 间
伤残人士专用厕所:113 间
安装摄影机之位置:41 个媒体席位:215 个
球队商品专卖店面积:1000 平方米
为建新球场而拆除之旧建筑物:25,000 立方米
停车位:250 个
球场草皮面积:113 米 x 76 米
所使用草地面积:105 米 x 70 米
预计耗用之混凝土:60,000 立方米耗用钢筋重量:10,000 吨
主看台盖顶耗用圆形钢通重量:3,000 吨
北看台盖顶钢通重量:100 吨
看台梯级总面积:33,000 平方米
耗用玻璃总面积:15,000 平方米
装设之金属扶手:4,500 米
门:2000 扇
楼梯:100 处
滚动电梯:13 处
升降电梯:5 部
遮蔽四面看台之檐篷:30,000 平方米
覆盖球场之LED:8,600 平方米





由于一度缺乏资金,俱乐部宣布新球场建成时间由2005年推迟到2006年,这使外界出现很多猜测,甚至有传言说球队会用海布利球场与托特纳姆热刺队共享一球场。温格对这种说法进行了批驳,他说:“我们会考虑不同的建议,但由始至终,我们都是专注于新建计划,我们亦曾考虑重建海布利球场,但那只能增加多7,000个座位,请相信我们,我们已经考虑很多,发觉在Ashburton Grove兴建是最适合的。”温格同时还说:“这在阿森纳队史上,是自从1925年请查普曼来执教后最重要的决定。”[2] 
阿森纳与阿联酋航空签下总值1亿英镑(约13亿9千万港元)的赞助合约,新球场从2006赛季后将命名为酋长球场(Emirates Stadium)。 球场冠名权的合约期限为15年,此外,从新球场启用的首个赛季(2006/07)开始,阿联酋航空代替O2成为兵工厂的球衣主赞助商,为期8年。



球场的设计是由HOK SPORT公司担任,他们曾经担任悉尼澳洲球场以及及温布利球场的设计。球场启用之后,预计平均一个赛季将会有114万人次赴现场观战(海布利平均每个赛季是72万多人次)。球场也设有150个贵宾包厢(海布利为53个),同时球场也有照顾残疾人士将会设有250个轮椅座位。不过新球场将无法扩建,而且球场也不会像加迪夫千年球场有伸缩的盖顶。球场同时设置41台摄影机位置,以及215个传媒记者坐席。新的地块提供了一个将商业性与舒适性融合在一起的独特场地,不仅适合体育比赛,同时也能更广泛地供给会议、展览和其他活动。
酋长球场的巨大影响是显而易见的,阿森纳的比赛日收入从海布里时的3740万英镑增长到现在的9000万英镑(差不多每场比赛都比以前多赚100万英镑),而这还没包括其他商业收入。此外,海布里球场改建成的居民房仅在2011年就收入了1.57亿英镑。[3]  经济上的成功使得阿森纳在2010年就有能力还完银行贷款,并且以全欧洲经济基础最好的俱乐部的形象出现。欧足联(UEFA)称赞阿森纳是值得其他所有俱乐部效仿的遵守“财政公平政策”的俱乐部典范。
1999 年 11 月 宣布筹建新球场,位于伦敦的阿什伯顿地区。
2000 年 1 月 初步计划获准展开公众咨询。
2000 年 11 月 正式申请兴建新球场,并向公众披露新球场平面图。
2001 年 1 月 公众咨询显示,75% 当地居民赞成新球场计划。
2001 年 12 月 申请获当地议会批准,计划转递伦敦市长及内政大臣审核。
2002 年 1 月 伦敦市长利云斯顿确认不反对申请。
2002 年 2 月 内政大臣决定不对计划提出质疑。
2002 年 5 月 会方及当地议会签署协议文件。
2002 年 7 月 两名当地居民入禀禁制兴建新球场,最后遭法院驳回。
2002 年 8 月 新球场地盘展开拆除旧建筑物工程。
2002 年 12 月 废物处理中心正式动工。
2002 年 12 月 前述两位当地居民入禀要求司法复核,但被上诉庭驳回。
2003 年 4 月 由于新球埸工程异常复杂,以致进度受到阻碍,会方公布预定完工日期由 2005 年 8 月顺延至 2006 年 8 月。
2003 年 2 月 融资完成,新球场动工。
2004 年 7 月 废物处理中心即将完工。
2005年12月 外层电镀、电力及水力设施完工
2006年3月13日 球场第一个座位安装仪式由阿森纳球员迪亚比完成
2006年7月22日 举办第一场比赛——阿森纳传奇博格坎普的告别赛
2006 年 8 月 新球场竣工,海布里球场重建计划随即展开。
2006年10月26日 酋长球场官方开幕仪式举行,由菲利普亲王(爱丁堡公爵)正式宣布球场开放(原定嘉宾伊丽莎白女王因背伤未能出席)

酋长球场曾被当作英国申办2018年世界杯的主要用场之一,可惜英国最后未能胜出 。
除了足球比赛之外,酋长球场还承办了一些会议和音乐会。2008年3月27日,球场承办了英国总理布朗和法国总统萨科齐的高峰会谈,一部分原因是这座球场被看做是“英法合作的一个典型象征” 。布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀和E-Street乐队在2008年5月30号成为首个在酋长球场举办演唱会的音乐人。2009年6月7日,球场举办了一个夏季音乐节,有Lionel Richie, Leona Lewis和Blue等明星参加。2012年6月英国著名乐队Coldplay在酋长球场举办了3场音乐会。


The Emirates Stadium, and was translated for the Emirates Stadium or Emirates Stadium is England Football Super League giants Arsenal at home, can accommodate 60000 spectators, the stadium in the 2006-07 season officially opened.
Detailed data
The height: 46 meters
Expect a full season attendance: 1140000
A full season ticket admission number: 722795
150 executive boxes: senior executive boxes: the 48 match day executive boxes can supply package: 2000
Diet sale: 250
Toilet: 900
Disabled toilet: 113
Install the camera position: 41 media seats: 215
The team shop area: 1000 square meters
Architect: HOK sports 
The demolition of old buildings for the construction of the new stadium: 25000 cubic meters
Parking spaces: 250
Turf area: 113 m x 76 M
The grassland area: 105 m x 70 m
Expected consumption of 60000 cubic meters of reinforced concrete: consumption weight: 10000 tons
The main stand top circular steel consumption through weight: 3000 tons
The north stand top steel by weight: 100 tons
The cascade total area: 33000 square meters
Consumption of glass total area: 15000 square meters
Installation of metal handrails: 4500 meters
The door: 2000 fan
The stairs: 100
Rolling elevator: 13
Elevator: 5
All the canopies covered stands: 30000 square meters
The stadium covering LED:8600 square meters
Although the Highbury is one of the world's most famous stadium, Arsenal are still aware of to have a much greater in the field and those of Europe's elite club competition, still have to. The beginning of the proposal to build a new stadium is coach Arsene Wenger, he said: "I don't really remember what the hell am I when to the board of directors proposed stadium built, may be after 1998 we obtain" double crown ", although I am actively involved in the matter, but I am not a director, so I just as a consultant to participate in, I just as the head coach of the team., I have obligation to contribute to the growth of the club, and the club have long-term planning is very important."


Double tap Henry Hay Brie kiss
Because once the lack of funds, the club announced new stadium built from 2005 until 2006, which keeps the outside of the a lot of speculation, and even rumors that the team will be used Highbury stadium with Tottenham Hotspur, sharing a stadium. Wenger of this argument are criticized, he said: "we will consider various proposals, but from beginning to end, we are all focus on the new plan, we also once considered the reconstruction of Highbury stadium, but it can only increase more than 7000 seats, please believe us, we have to think a lot. Found in Ashburton grove construction is the most suitable." Wenger also said: "this is A Senna in team history, is the most important since 1925 after the decision to ask Chapman to teach."
Sponsorship contract
Arsenal and Emirates signed a total value of 100 million pounds (about $1 billion 390 million) sponsorship contract, the new stadium will be named after the 2006 season from the Emirates Stadium (Emirates Stadium). Stadium naming right contract for a period of 15 years. In addition, from the beginning of the new stadium opened the first season (2006 / 07), Emirates instead of O2 became Arsenal's main shirt sponsor, for a period of 8 years.
Golf Course Design
Golf course design is served by the HOK SPORT company, they served as Sydney and Australia and the Wembley stadium. After the court is enabled, is expected to average a season will have 114 million people went to watching the scene (Highbury average each season is more than 720000 people). Stadium with 150 VIP boxes (Highbury for 53). At the same time course also has to care for people with disabilities will be provided with 250 seats in the wheelchair. But the new stadium will be expanded, and the stadium is not like Cardiff's Millennium Stadium with retractable top cover. The court also set up 41 cameras, and 215 media reporters at. The new site offers a commercial and comfortable fusion in the unique site together, not only for sports, but also can be used for supply of conferences, exhibitions and other activities.
"Little tiger" Walcott
The impact of the Emirates Stadium is obvious, the Arsenal match day income from Highbury 37.4 million increase to now 90 million pounds (nearly every game are than ever earn 100 million pounds), and this is not including the other business income. In addition, Highbury converted into housing only in 2011 on revenue 157 million pounds. economic success that Arsenal in 2010 have the ability to end bank loans, and to the European economic foundation of the best club image. UEFA (UEFA) praised A Senna is worthy of all the other clubs to follow the "club model comply with financial fair policy".
The construction process
Announced in November 1999 to build a new stadium in London Ashe Burton area.
Arsenal beat city rivals Tottenham
In January 2000, a preliminary plan to consult the public.
In November 2000 a formal application to build a new stadium, a new stadium plan and disclosed to the public.
January 2001 public consultation showed that 75% local residents in the new stadium plan.
In December 2001 for the local parliament approved the plan, the mayor of London and the Minister of interior audit transmitting.
In January 2002, the mayor of London, Leigh Cloud Houstton confirmed no objection.
In February 2002 the home secretary decided not to question the plan.
In May 2002 and the local council signed agreements.
In July 2002 two local residents filed the injunction to build a new stadium, finally dismissed by the court.
August 2002


文章关键词:兵工厂 酋长 枪手
