
一種追求 達侯特夢想著進入歐冠和世界盃
2018-03-30 13:09:48   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

勁爆體育2018世界盃:日前,德甲勁旅多蒙特中場球星達侯特表示,他希望能夠趕上今夏世界盃的末班車。 在接受採訪的時候,達侯特談到了自

    中文名稱 達侯特
    外文名稱 Mahmoud Dahoud
    所屬球會 多蒙特
    位置 (簡) 中場
    出生日期 1996年1月1日
    國籍 德國
    身高 176cm
    加盟日期 2017年7月1日
    前度球會 慕遜加柏
    轉會費 --
    曾效力球會 慕遜加柏學徒
Madden Sports 2018 World Cup: A few days ago, Bundesliga midfielder Dowute said that he hopes to catch up with the last bus of the World Cup this summer.
In an interview, Dahout talked about his season goal: "We want to qualify for the Champions League. We have to work hard. The Champions League game is always special, and I can now get from my teammates and coaches. It feels more trust there."
At the same time, the 22-year-old Dahout also said: "I think U21 is a stepping stone. My ultimate goal is to be able to participate in this year's World Cup in Russia."
However, German media said that it is unlikely that Dahout will be selected for the German national team roster.
Chinese name Dahout
Foreign names Mahmoud Dahoud
Ball Games Domonte
Location (Simplified) Midfield
Date of birth January 1, 1996
Nationality Germany
Height 176cm
Join Date July 1, 2017
Pre-ball game Muxenberg
Transfer fees --
Have played for the club

文章关键词:達侯特 歐冠 世界盃 多蒙特 勁爆體育
