
福州业余足球春季联赛举行 球员首佩戴智能手环
2016-04-11 10:08:17   作者:hsx   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文





By the Football Association of Fuzhou City to host the 2016 Fuzhou amateur football spring League first round match held a few days ago, it is worth mentioning is that competition in participating players to wear bracelet, measured players the game running distance, scope, frequency and energy, which in the National Amateur Football League still belong to initiate.
It is understood that the Fuzhou Football Association for this year's Amateur Football League in the spring of a larger adjustment. And compared to previous years, this year the three groups were combined into two groups, respectively, the super group and the champion group, which also allows the previous weak strength of the enterprise group has been and a stronger opponent to contest the opportunity.

After the first round of the game, the game played a big score, there is no doubt, after the merger of the league has become more exciting and intense. There is a major highlight of the first round is that some of the players in the game wearing the bracelet, the bracelet can detect players in the game the number of data, for instance, running range, running distance, running frequency, the fastest speed etc., these data will be by special way calculus, optimization, calculated value of players in the game.
Fuzhou City Football Association chairman Wei Min Liang said, as is known to all, only Premier League and high level league player data graph, the amateur football league in Fuzhou City have this bracelet, the League will be more data and modernization, which is a great progress. It is understood that the name of the T-Goal smart Bracelet products from Fujian Province, the brother of technology to build, is the country's first amateur football players for the bracelet.


文章关键词:积分联赛 业余足球 业余球员 业余球队 街头足球 劲爆体育
