
2018-03-27 11:05:21   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文


    中文名稱 簡迪   

    外文名稱 N'Golo Kante

    所屬球會 車路士

    位置 (簡) 中場

    出生日期 1991年3月29日

    國籍 法國

    身高 169cm

    加盟日期 2016年7月16日

    前度球會 李斯特城

    轉會費 3200萬英鎊

    曾效力球會 卡昂
    中文名稱 基奧特  

    外文名稱 Olivier Giroud

    所屬球會 車路士

    位置 (簡) 前鋒

    出生日期 1986年9月30日

    國籍 法國

    身高 192cm

    加盟日期 2018年1月31日

    前度球會 阿仙奴

    轉會費 --

    曾效力球會 蒙彼利埃、杜亞斯、格勒諾布爾
Madden Sports International Football: According to a report by the British daily “Daily Mirror”, in an interview with the media, Chelsea’s midfield star Jandi said he believes teammate Keat will break the league’s goal deficit this weekend.
Chiote has never made a goal for the Blues in the English Premier League since joining Chelsea. He only scored a Blues career with Chelsea and Hou City in the FA Cup.
During the winter transfer in January of this year, Keoert moved from Arsenal to Chelsea to ensure that he can participate in the World Cup in Russia this summer with the French national team. As Keat's teammates at Chelsea and the national team, Jane Di believes that Keoult will break his league goal deficit in the focus game against Tottenham this weekend.
"We all know that Kiot is a shooter. He once scored a lot for Axiano in the Premier League. Now he doesn't play too much on behalf of Chelsea."
"Even last season, Chiot had not played for Arsenal in many games, but he still scored a lot."
"We don't worry that Kiot will soon get a goal for Chelsea in the league. He doesn't have to worry about anything. The goal will come. It may be at weekends when he meets Tottenham, hoping he can get in." Ball, so we can win this game."
Chinese name 简迪

Foreign Name N'Golo Kante

Affiliated club Che Lushi

Location (Simplified) Midfield

Date of birth March 29, 1991

Nationality France

Height 169cm

Join date July 16, 2016

Former clubs Liszt Town

Transfer fee of 32 million pounds

Ever played for the club Caen
Chinese name Kiot

Name in English: Olivier Giroud

Affiliated club Che Lushi

Location (Simplified) Forward

Date of birth September 30, 1986

Nationality France

Height 192cm

Date of joining January 31, 2018

Former degree club Axiano

Transfer fees --

Has played for clubs Montpellier, Duas, Grenoble

文章关键词:簡迪 基奧特 勁爆體育 國際足球 《每日鏡報》
