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2016-03-21 16:23:04   作者:adv09   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

释义: 以足球运动为中心的地区性足球俱乐部的比赛,称为足球联赛。现代足球比赛最常见的是11制足球,分两队,每队十一人,球员主要用




       2.大洲范围内的比赛,如欧洲冠军联赛、亚洲冠军联赛 当前历史较为悠久的国家范围内的足球联赛: 西班牙甲级联赛(西甲)、英格兰超级联赛(英超)、德国甲级联赛(德甲)、意大利甲级联赛(意甲)、葡萄牙超级联赛(葡超)、法国甲级联赛(法甲)、荷兰甲级联赛(荷甲)
当前实力较为强劲的足球俱乐部: 皇家马德里(简称:皇马)、拜仁慕尼黑(简称: 拜仁)、多特蒙德、巴塞罗那 (简称: 巴萨)、曼彻斯特联(简称:曼联)、曼彻斯特城(简称:曼城)、切尔西、阿森纳、利物浦、尤文图斯、国际米兰、AC米兰、巴黎圣日耳曼



      2014年7月28日,中国教育部要求,在新一轮基础教育课改中,在总课时减少的情况下,把小学三至六年级每周3节体育课增加为每周4节,高中每周2节增为到每周3节,并要求“任何学校不得以任何理由和借口占用体育课时。[1]  体育课也将作为国家统一规定的学业水平考试的必考课,学生毕业和升学必须达到合格水平,还要将学生体质状况和体育特长如实记入学生综合素质评价档案,作为学生毕业和升学的重要参考。在体育项目中,教育部计划将校园足球作为重点项目予以突出。[1]  计划用3年时间把校园足球定点学校由目前的5000余所扩展到2万所,并从今年起逐步建立健全小学、初中、高中和大学四级足球联赛机制,通过招生考试政策疏通足球人才成长通道,源源不断培养优秀足球后备人才。此外,校园足球工作的成功做法也将逐步拓展到篮球和排球三大球等集体体育项目中。


A regional football club in the center of the football game, called the football league. Modern football game is the most common 11 football, points two teams, each team of eleven people, the main players with their feet can also be used to head the ball, the game 90 minutes, up and down in half, each 45 minutes. In case of delay, the referee may be properly. In order to get the ball into the other team's goal for the win. If the knockout encounter can draw into overtime, 30 minutes, also on the second half, 15 minutes. If you still draw into the penalty, to decide the outcome.
Some 1 countries within the scope of the game, such as the La Liga, Premier League, Serie A, De Jia, Pu Chao, in French, etc.
2 continents within the game, such as the European Champions League and the AFC Champions League at present is a long history of the country's Football League: the Spanish League (Liga), England Super League (EPL), German Bundesliga (German), the Italian League (Serie A), Portuguese Super League (Portuguese), the French League (Ligue 1), the Dutch Eredivisie (Eredivisie)
The more robust strength of the Football Club: Real Madrid (referred to as: Real Madrid), Bayern Munich (referred to as: Bayern), Dortmund, Barcelona (Barcelona), Manchester United (referred to as: Manchester United), Manchester City (referred to as: Manchester City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Juventus, Inter Milan, AC Milan, Paris Saint Germain
2014 July 28, Chinese Ministry of education requirements, in a new round of basic education reform, in total hours reduced, the increase in grade three to six week 3 PE lessons per week 4 section, the high school every 2 day increased to 3 sessions a week, and asked "any school for any reason and an excuse to take physical education courses. [1] PE will also serve as the unified regulations of the state academic proficiency test will merit, the student and graduate studies must reach an acceptable level, but also the students' physical fitness and sports specialty truthfully recorded in the students' comprehensive quality evaluation archives, as students and graduate studies of important parameters. In sports, the Ministry of education plans to focus on campus football as a key project to be highlighted. [1] plan with 3 years time the school campus football point from the current 5000 have expanded to 20000, and from this year to gradually establish a sound elementary, junior high, high school and College Football League four mechanisms, through entrance examination policy dredge football talent growth channel and excellent football reserve personnel training in a steady stream. In addition, the successful practice of the work of the campus football will gradually expand to the basketball and volleyball team sports, such as the three big ball.

文章关键词:劲爆 联赛 百科
