
Tianjin TEDA Women's
2019-01-06 18:31:44   作者:FootBall   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

Super League clubs must have a women s team in 2020, otherwise they will lose their qualifications In this regard, TEDA Club’s statement is that it will be carefully studied and implemented in the future

Madden Sports Women's Football League News: On January 5th, Beijing time, the Chinese Football Association issued a notice on the official website about the addition and adjustment of the "Chinese Football Association Professional Club Access Regulations" yesterday. The most noticeable one in the notice is that each Super League The club must have a women's team in 2020, otherwise it will lose the qualification of the Super League. In this regard, TEDA Club’s statement is that it will be carefully studied and implemented in the future.

At the 2018 China Football Association League Summary Meeting held last month, the Chinese Football Association has issued a new league access system. At that time, despite the rumors that the U21 youth players will enter the access mechanism, the final terms are announced. There are no rules in it, and this is explained in detail in the latest notice released yesterday. Beginning in 2019, the Football Association has asked for the registration of the Super League clubs. At least two U21 players trained by the club's youth training have increased year by year.

In addition, in the 2019 access procedures, the women's team is built as the “C standard” advocacy standard, and in 2020 it will be upgraded to the “A standard” mandatory standard. By then, the club without women's football will not be able to win the Chinese Super League. Access qualification. In other words, the clubs preparing to participate in the 2020 Super League will have a year to form their own female football team. For the cost of forming a women's football team, the Football Association also gave a clear answer, that is, to participate in the women's team, the annual investment of not less than 15 million yuan, not more than 30 million yuan. Teams participating in women's and women's B will be executed with reference to the corresponding standards.

In this regard, TEDA Club’s statement is: “The matter was still discussed before. With the arrival of the Football Association’s notice, this matter will definitely be studied and implemented as soon as possible.” The official told reporters that the TEDA Club does not have a women’s football team. If you want to form a team that can participate in the women's league level, then you can only dig and dig. "As far as I know, there are a lot of girls playing football, so there will be no problems for the staff. However, if you want to form a team with sufficient level, I am afraid it will be very difficult." The official said.

Of course, the Football Association has forced the Super League clubs to have a women's team in 2020, which is also a good thing for TEDA Club. "I have a lot of things involved, such as the formation of the team's funds and coaching staff composition, as well as training venues and accommodation facilities, etc., all of which need to be worked hard to solve, no matter what problems, must be resolved before the end of the year." TEDA has made such a statement.

文章关键词:天津泰达 中超联赛 泰达女队 女足联赛 女超联赛
