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2018-04-04 20:16:53   作者:狂奔   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

劲爆体育荷甲:四月七日星期六凌晨两点,荷兰足球甲级联赛2017-2018赛季第三十轮赛事第一场比赛,对阵双方由SBV精英对阵威廉二世。 赛事

    盘口分析:0.82 平/半 1.06  
Dramatic Sport: In the morning of April 7th, at 2:00 AM, the first game of the 30th round of the 2017-2018 season of the Dutch Football First Division was against the two sides by the SBV elite against Wilhelm II.
Event Analysis:
SBV Elite's performance in the Dutch League this season is quite satisfactory. After the 29th round, the team scored 10 wins, 5 draws, and 14 losses. It scored 35 points and ranked 11th in the league table. The team's home scoring ability is not strong. 14 home games only recorded 2 wins, but lost 8 games, and nearly 2 home games even suffered a losing streak, and William II's performance this season is not ideal, the team's 29 league matches only included 8 wins With 6 draws and 15 losses, the 30 points scored 13th in the league standings. The team's performance on the road away was poor, 14 away games lost 9 games, and so far it has gone 10 consecutive away games.
Handicap analysis: 0.82 flat/half 1.06
In the combat aspect, SBV Elite's nearly 10 formal challenges challenged William II to score 4 wins, 3 draws and 3 losses. The most recent clash was a win and he was psychologically dominant. From the perspective of the home and away appearances of the two teams, SBV Elite Nearly two home games suffered a losing streak, and William II lost seven games away from the field in six games, both teams were not ideal. The Asian Games opened the SBV elite to start the low half of the plate with a flat half plate, which is more convincing than the track record. In the afternoon, the premium has a meaning to play. It is not good for William II, who is poor on the road. The market is slightly biased to support the market. Only 2.5 goals are given for the size of the ball. The handicap is relatively shallow and the two team's offensive force is reserved. It is recommended to match the ball.
SMG Recommended: Sheng Ping
SMG number of goals: 2,1
Size Ball Recommended (2.5): Small
Asian plate recommendation: SBV Elite
Score reference recommendation: 2-0, 1-0

文章关键词:荷甲 SBV精英 威廉二世 足球 劲爆体育
