
2018-03-30 08:43:57   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文


    FIFA已經開始對此事進行調查,且已經開始搜集各項證據,並會與反歧視組織Fare Network合作推動調查進程。FIFA的相關發言人表示:「在獲取到有關的資訊前,我們不會對此進行更多的評論。」
Madden Sports 2018 World Cup: According to the recent "Sky Sports" report, FIFA has started investigating incidents where Russian fans are suspected of racial discrimination against French players.
On the previous international competition day, as a warm-up event before the World Cup, a French side-line photographer heard Russian fans call the French player a monkey and Paul Pabha entered the second in France during the 3-1 defeat of Russia in France. After the ball, similar sounds can be heard on television.
The FIFA has already begun investigations into this matter and has started collecting evidence and will cooperate with anti-discrimination organization Fare Network to promote the investigation process. A relevant FIFA spokesperson said: "We will not comment further on this information until we have obtained relevant information."

文章关键词:FIFA 《天空體育》種族歧視 勁爆體育 法俄之戰
