
2018-03-27 10:44:28   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

勁爆體育國際足球:據來自歐洲相關媒體報導稱,國際米蘭正在認真考慮買斷A 拉芬拿的問題,不過他們希望能夠重新和巴塞協商買斷費用。 現


    中文名稱 A.拉芬拿

    外文名稱 Alcantara Rafinha

    所屬球會 國際米蘭

    位置 (簡) 中場

    出生日期 1993年2月12日

    國籍 巴西

    身高 174cm

    加盟日期 2018 年 01 月 23 日
    前度球會 巴塞隆拿

    轉會費 --

    曾效力球會 巴塞隆拿B隊、切爾達
Madden Sports International Football: According to reports from relevant European media, Inter Milan is seriously considering buying A. La Fenner, but they hope to be able to negotiate with Barcelo to buy out the fees.
The 25-year-old A. Lafena took a loan of 35 million euros during the winter transfer period, and was accompanied by a bonus of 3 million euros. The Spanish media announced that if the international community can get the next season The Champions League qualification, then A. Lafina’s buyout right will become a mandatory buyout clause.
Reports from Spain’s ESPN now point out that the international community wants to leave A. Lafenner, but they hope that they can renegotiate the buyout cost of the midfielder with the Basile side.
Since joining the international community, A. Ravenna has played in Serie A for seven times and has performed well.
Chinese name A. Lafena

Foreign name Alcantara Rafinha

Golf Club Inter Milan

Location (Simplified) Midfield

Date of birth February 12, 1993

Nationality Brazil

Height 174cm

Joining date January 23, 2018

Pre-ball game Barcelona

Transfer fees --

Has played for clubs Barcelona, ​​Chelsea

文章关键词:國際米蘭 巴賽隆納 A 拉芬拿 勁爆體育 國際足球
