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2018-03-27 09:48:47   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文



    中文名稱 摩連奴

    外文名稱 Jose Mourinho

    所屬球會 曼聯

    位置 (簡) 領隊

    出生日期 1963年1月26日

    國籍 葡萄牙

    身高 179cm

    加盟日期 2016年5月27日

    前度球會 車路士

    轉會費 --

    曾效力球會 車路士、皇家馬德里、國際米蘭、車路士 2004-2007、波圖 2002-2004、利亞拿 2001-2002、賓菲加 2000
Madden Sports Premiership: The public criticism of Luquillo Luquilt after the FA Cup game triggered a heated debate in the media. Recently, Liverpool star Kornah published his own opinion on the matter in the column, he said that Morrono The practice will lead to dissatisfaction with the players, but Morrond's remarks may be directed against the Manchester United Board of Directors and hope to receive more support from them in the transfer operation.

Kornah said: “I have always been a loyal fan of Morono, so I was shocked to see him in the interview after the FA Cup. I can’t accept the criticism of the player in front of the public. This can only lead to resentment. There is brewing of dissatisfaction in the dressing room."

"Perhaps this remark by Morono was not aimed at the player. He encouraged the two players introduced, Lucagu and Mady. Only they were praised by Moroni, so I doubted that Morono would do so in the hope of the Manchester United Board of Directors. He gave him more support in the transfer, but it was a dangerous bet. If the Manchester United players who were dissatisfied with Meronio turned to oppose him, then he may not have much time to prove his signings at Manchester United. Operation is successful or not," Kona said finally.

Chinese name 摩摩奴

Foreign name Jose Mourinho

Affiliated clubs Manchester United

Location (Jane) Leader

Date of birth January 26, 1963

Nationality Portugal

Height 179cm

Joining date May 27, 2016

Former degree club Che Lushi

Transfer fees --

Has played for clubs Chelsea, Real Madrid, Inter Milan, Chelus 2004-2007, Porto 2002-2004, Liena 2001-2002, Binfigar 2000

文章关键词:摩連奴 路基梳爾 曼聯 勁爆體育 英超
