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奪冠前後 曼城將和史特寧展開續約談判
2018-03-29 21:44:40   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文




    中文名稱 史特寧

    外文名稱 Raheem Sterling

    所屬球會 曼城

    位置 (簡) 中場

    出生日期 1994年12月8日

    國籍 英格蘭

    身高 170cm

    加盟日期 2015年7月15日

    前度球會 利物浦

    轉會費 4900萬英鎊

    曾效力球會 昆士柏流浪青年軍
Madden Sports Europe Football Information: According to sources in related fields told ESPN, Premier League giants Manchester City will be at the end of the season (before and after winning the championship) and Steining renewal negotiations.
Steining’s new contract has been considered for some time, and the two sides are expected to start negotiations after the team determines Premier League Premiership next month. The Englishman performed well in Manchester City. He has 20 goals and 11 assists this season.
Stingning, 23, joined Manchester City from Liverpool in 2015. His current contract will expire in 2020 and his current salary is 180,000 pounds. Steining hopes to renew a long-term contract. Manchester City has recently completed renewals with DiBoni, David Swarth, Fernandine slaves, and Odavindi.

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Chinese name Sterling

Name in English Raheem Sterling

The club belongs Manchester City

Location (Simplified) Midfield

Date of birth December 8, 1994

Nationality England

Height 170cm

Join Date July 15, 2015

Former degree club Liverpool

Transfer fee 49 million pounds

Has played for the club Queensland Wandering Youth

文章关键词:曼城 史特寧 英超 勁爆體育 歐洲足球
