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利物浦要續約沙拿 為此打造球隊核心
2018-03-26 11:23:06   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文


    中文名稱 沙拿
    外文名稱 Mohamed Salah
    所屬球會 利物浦
    位置 (簡) 中場
    出生日期 1992年6月15日
    國籍 埃及
    身高 175cm
    加盟日期 2017年6月23日
    前度球會 羅馬
    轉會費 4200萬歐元
    曾效力球會 車路士、費倫天拿、巴素利、阿拉伯建築
    Madden Sports International Soccer: According to news reports from the Daily Mirror, even if Real Madrid sends a quotation, Shana will stay in Liverpool. In this regard, Liverpool is firmly committed to leaving this genius core.

    After Liverpool's debut season showed excellent performance, Liverpool prepared to send Shana a new contract with a weekly salary of up to 200,000 pounds.
    It is reported that Liverpool have realized that Real Madrid is preparing to rebuild the team through the introduction of some players this summer, and Shana is Real Madrid's target for signings.
    However, Shana said in an interview: "I like the English Premier League. It suits my style. I like to play here."
    The Mirror said that unlike the previous craving for joining Philippine from Barcelona, ​​Barcelona will not be tempted to play in La Liga.
    After leaving Versace, Shana reshaped his career in Rome. Shana wanted to prove himself in the Premier League. He had told friends that he would stay in England.
    This is good news for Liverpool coach Klop, who is already preparing to build teams around Shanar.
    Chinese name Shana
    Foreign name Mohamed Salah
    Affiliate Club Liverpool
    Location (Simplified) Midfield
    Date of birth June 15, 1992
    Nationality Egypt
    Height 175cm
    Join Date June 23, 2017
    Former degree club Rome
    Transfer fee of 42 million euros
    Has played for clubs Chelsea, Ferentinna, Bassuli, Arab Architecture

文章关键词:利物浦 沙拿 皇馬 勁爆體育 國際足球
