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傳奇門將 卡斯拿斯達成千場里程碑
2018-04-03 18:32:17   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文



    稍顯遺憾的是,卡斯拿斯的第1000場正式比賽球隊未能取勝,波圖最終0比2負於比蘭倫斯,在積分榜上暫時落後賓菲加 1分,錯過了登頂積分榜的良機。
    中文名稱 卡斯拿斯
    外文名稱 Iker Casillas
    所屬球會 波圖
    位置 (簡) 門將
    出生日期 1981年5月20日
    國籍 西班牙
    身高 185cm
    加盟日期 2015年7月12日
    前度球會 皇家馬德里
    轉會費 --
    曾效力球會 --
Madden Sports International Football: In the early morning of April 3rd, Beijing time, Portugal took the 28th wave of Porto vs. Bill Runes. This time Casnas was selected to play and completed a thousand milestone in his career. After Spain (1033), the second Spanish player to complete this achievement.
Of the 1,000 games played in Casnas, 725 were for Real Madrid, 108 for Porto, and 167 for the Spanish national team. He had 653 wins with 174 and 173 losses in these matches. .
It's a pity that Kasnas's 1000th official game failed to win the match. Bortus lost 0-2 to Bill Runes and was 1 point behind Benfica in the standings and missed the summit. The opportunity for the standings.
His friend Shashi Oramos also expressed his congratulations to Karnas at the first time through his personal social networking platform. He wrote: “I’m approaching your national team’s record with a little bit, but I’m going to finish my career with a thousand games. Achievements, I still need to wait. Congratulations on your dream come true."
On Real Madrid's official tweets, a photo of Kasnarath helped the team win the championship trophy during his time at Real Madrid and expressed his congratulations to Kasnas.
Chinese name Casnas
Iker Casillas
Affiliated club
Location (Jane) Goalkeeper
Date of birth May 20, 1981
Nationality Spain
Height 185cm
Joining date July 12, 2015
Former degree club Real Madrid
Transfer fees --
Has played for the club --

文章关键词:傳奇門將 卡斯拿斯 波圖 葡超 勁爆體育
