
2018-04-03 15:02:21   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文


    中文名稱 夏利卡尼
    外文名稱 Harry Kane
    所屬球會 熱刺
    位置 (簡) 前鋒
    出生日期 1993年7月28日
    國籍 英格蘭
    身高 183cm
    加盟日期 2013年7月1日
    前度球會 李斯特城
    轉會費 --
    曾效力球會 諾域治、米禾爾、奧連特、阿仙奴
Madden Sports International Football: Last weekend's Premier League game, Tottenham striker Shalikani returned after three weeks of injury and he appeared in a 3 to 1 victory over Chelsea. At present, Liverpool attacker Shana took first place with 29 goals in the Premier League scorer, and Shalikani ranked second with 24 goals.
For the top scorer of the Premier League this season, Xialikani said: "Now, Shana is in the leading position. Let's see what will happen. I can't control what he does. I can only make sure I'm ready. Shana is doing very well in every game. He is a very good player and it is a good thing to compete with him. I also scored the same number of goals last year."
"I will focus on myself and focus on my team. Let's see what happens after the season."
Chinese name Xialikani
Foreign name Harry Kane
Scoring Tottenham
Position (Simplified) Forward
Date of birth July 28, 1993
Nationality England
Height 183cm
Date of joining July 1, 2013
Former clubs Liszt Town
Transfer fees --
Has played for the club. Nojoji, Mizuel, Olent, Arsenal

文章关键词:夏利卡尼 英超 金靴 勁爆體育 國際足球
