
如若國米殺進歐冠 將求購史杜特文
2018-03-27 10:52:40   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

勁爆體育意甲:今天的《都靈體育報》頭版帶來的消息,如果打進歐冠,國米將會求購羅馬中場史杜特文。 報導稱,如果國米打進下賽季的歐冠

    中文名稱 史杜特文
    外文名稱 Kevin Strootman
    所屬球會 羅馬
    位置 (簡) 中場
     出生日期 1990年2月13日
    國籍 荷蘭
    身高 186cm
    加盟日期 2013年7月16日
    前度球會 PSV燕豪芬
    轉會費 1650萬歐元
    曾效力球會 烏德勒支、鹿特丹斯巴達
Madden Sports Serie A: Today's "Turin Sport" front page brings news that if you reach the Champions League, Inter Milan will buy Roman midfielder Stuttgart.
According to the report, if Inter Milan scores the Champions League next season, then Stuart will be a gift to Scarlett's manager.
According to previous news, Inter Milan hopes to introduce Stuttgart this summer, and both clubs have started negotiations. However, the Nerazzurri did not want to pay Stoutevin’s 45 million euros for the cancellation, which is still a long way from reaching an agreement.
Stuart was 28 years old and he moved from PSV Yanhoven to Rome in 2013. A total of 34 appearances and 1 goal have been scored this season.
Chinese name 史杜特文
Foreign Name Kevin Strootman
Affiliated club Rome
Location (Simplified) Midfield
Date of birth February 13, 1990
Nationality Netherlands
Height 186cm
Date of joining July 16, 2013
Former degree club PSV Yan Haofen
Transfer fee of 16.5 million euros
Has played for clubs Utrecht, Rotterdam, Sparta

文章关键词:国际米兰 歐冠 史杜特文 《都靈體育報》 劲爆体育
