
機會將至 阿辛斯奧有望正選戰阿根廷
2018-03-27 10:09:12   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文


    中文名稱 阿辛斯奧

    外文名稱 Marco Asensio

    所屬球會 皇家馬德里

    位置 (簡) 中場

    出生日期 1996年1月21日

    國籍 西班牙

    身高 180cm

    加盟日期 2016年7月1日

    前度球會 愛斯賓奴

    轉會費 --

    曾效力球會 馬略卡、馬略卡B隊
Madden Sports International Football: Due to personal reasons, David Schwart withdrew from the Spanish national team training, and a war with Argentina, Rubidy Digu will try a new midfield configuration, and "Aspen" that Ainsing will be very May become David Swarth's "successor."
According to the "Aspen" news, Spanish coach Rubidy Digu needs a player who can stably deliver firepower to the penalty zone in the absence of David Swarth.
And Rubidy’s is very optimistic about Ainshen’s taking over David Swar’s gun. Ainsing’s has a strong impact and can effectively attack the opponent's restricted area. He is the first to miss David Swarth’s absence. A backup.
Of course, Rubidy’s also enlisted Valencia’s captain Ballyzu, a midfielder who was born in Real Madrid and has a very good organization ability. He also has a good impact on the penalty zone, his ability to get rid of defense, and an excellent footing. penalty. In a war with Argentina, he will also have an opportunity.
Chinese name 阿辛斯奧

Foreign name Marco Asensio

Affiliated club Real Madrid

Location (Simplified) Midfield

Date of birth January 21, 1996

Nationality Spain

Height 180cm

Join Date July 1, 2016

Former degree club

Transfer fees --

Has played for clubs Mallorca, Majorca B

文章关键词:阿辛斯奧 西班牙 阿根廷 《阿斯報》 勁爆體育
