
2018-03-27 11:54:04   作者:李路明   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文


    中文名稱 夏薩特
    外文名稱 Eden Hazard
    所屬球會 車路士
    位置 (簡) 中場
    出生日期 1991年1月7日
    國籍 比利時
    身高 173cm
    加盟日期 2012年6月4日
    前度球會 利爾
    轉會費 3200萬英鎊
    曾效力球會 利爾青年軍
Madden Sports International Football: In the early morning of tomorrow, international football friendly matches continue to have a good show, and Belgium will play against Saudi Arabia at home. Before the game, the Belgian star Charsat talked about Bass star Mase.
Due to his playing style and technical skills, Xia Sat was often compared with Argentina captain Muse. Last season, on behalf of Chelsea, he scored 16 goals in the English Premier League and was widely praised.
When talking about the outside media comparing him to Mess, Xia Shat said: “We can’t compare with Mess. This is impossible. Although we are all small and fast, Mess can be in any game. Goals."
Chinese name 夏萨特
Eden Hazard
Affiliated club Che Lushi
Location (Simplified) Midfield
Date of birth January 7, 1991
Nationality Belgium
Height 173cm
Joining date June 4, 2012
Pre-ball game
Transfer fee of 32 million pounds
Once played for the club Lear Youth

文章关键词:美斯 夏薩特 比利時 阿根廷 勁爆體育
