
2016-03-10 20:35:32   作者:yyh   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

足球 作为世界第一运动,随着商业化的发展逐步形成一个巨大的运动装备市场,而足球鞋作为其中最重要的装备,早被饥渴的商家紧紧盯住:Nike和Adidas在 正面战场激斗正酣,Puma、Mizuno、Umbro、Asics在细分市场多国混战,重装上阵的New balance、Under Armour来势汹汹,势必分一杯羹……各大品牌各显神通,真可谓乱花渐欲迷人眼。

       足球 作为世界第一运动,随着商业化的发展逐步形成一个巨大的运动装备市场,而足球鞋作为其中最重要的装备,早被饥渴的商家紧紧盯住:Nike和Adidas在 正面战场激斗正酣,Puma、Mizuno、Umbro、Asics在细分市场多国混战,重装上阵的New balance、Under Armour来势汹汹,势必分一杯羹……各大品牌各显神通,真可谓乱花渐欲迷人眼。



       很多小伙伴将球鞋称为战靴,以彰显其对于球员的重要性。此说法源于球鞋英文说法“Football boot”,其中“boot”是靴子的意思。早期的球鞋在外形上和靴子极为相似,后经发展将包裹脚踝部分的面料裁剪,低帮球鞋成为主流。









       当今球鞋市场更多是科技+品牌的比拼,前者汇聚了各大制造商的顶尖技术,轻量化、舒适性以及球员风格细分成为球鞋发展的关键。典型案例就是Adidas在 2015年量产发行了重量仅有99克的adizero,将轻量化做到极致。后者则更多聚焦于球星代言、款式更迭以及营销手段。例如近期NIKE推出的毒蜂 2内马尔专属配色,就以限量版鞋盒为噱头吸引眼球。





       在比赛时,球员运动可以解构为长时间无球跑动、短时间触球运动以及与对手对抗三类场景。球鞋根据上述场景设计,在保证运动性能的前提下尽可能地保护球员足 部。值得一提的是,为了提供更好的保护性,与普通运动鞋相比,球鞋在鞋舌设计、后脚跟锁定、大底支撑装置有着显著区别。
















        首先是脚的大小,主要考虑足长足围的而数据。足长测量方法:穿上球袜,站在白纸上,脚底均匀受力,用笔紧贴画出脚的轮廓,然后用尺子测量,最长的距离就是 足长。为方便换算,建议选择鞋码的时候参考JP码(JP码数据和厘米一致),确定鞋码时比足长大半码为宜,如足长为25.9cm,可选择JP265。


       其次是脚型,主要考虑脚趾长短以及足弓高低两个因素。从脚趾长短来看,主要分为希腊型(第二脚趾最长)、埃及型(大脚趾最长)以及方形(五趾基本等长)三 类。希腊型适合除Puma外大多数品牌的球鞋,埃及型适合Puma球鞋,而方形则适合鞋头平滑丰满的日系球鞋。

       从足弓高低来看,分为低足弓(也称扁平足),正常足弓以及高足弓三种。低足弓不适合脚弓位置内收明显的球鞋(如刺客),而高足弓不适合侧面系鞋带的足球鞋 (如毒蜂)。大家可以通过湿脚测试自行判定自己的足弓类型,即将脚掌沾湿,置于平铺的厚纸板上,观察脚印确定


       高端球鞋可以更有效的发挥水平,但不是穿上了顶级球鞋就能成为顶级球员,某国家队就是很好的案例。因此不要过于迷信球星代言,实用才是关键。对于业余足球 爱好者来说,中端球鞋基本能满足需求,选择时可多关注适合自身踢球风格的中端球鞋。对于初学者,可以选择入门级球鞋,当风格逐步形成,再根据经济条件升级 换代。对于壕,请忽视价格,因为它对于你只是一个数字。





Football is the world's first movement, along with the development of commercialization gradually formed a huge sports equipment market, and football shoes as the most important equipment, the earliest hungry businesses tightly pegged to, Nike and Adidas in the frontal battlefield stimulated bucket full swing, puma, Mizuno, Umbro, asics in the subdivision market multinational melee and reloaded new balance, armour menacing is bound to divide a cup of a thick soup... Each big brand Gexianshentong, it is squandering charming eyes.

How to choose a pair of cheap and durable enough light show shoes, has always been a century problem the majority of football fans. As the saying goes, there is good in the world, I know what is love! The little knowledge of superficial science football shoes.

The evolutionary history of football shoes

A lot of buddy shoes called boots, to highlight the importance of the players. This argument stems from the term "Football boot" English shoes, where "boot" is the meaning of boots. Early in the shape of shoes and boots are very similar, after the development of cutting fabric wrapped ankle part, low shoes become mainstream.

1, the first pair of shoes

In 2004, FIFA confirmed that football originated in Chinese. The history of the Western Han Dynasty "Warring States" he recorded the Ju (c) part of the spring and Autumn period, the state of Qi Linzi area of Cuju (J) reports the movement, that is to say, the first double for football shoes had already appeared in early BC.

The historical records of the first pair of specifically for football shoes, belonging to the Tudors the second monarch, king of England and Ireland. Henry VIII. This pair of shoes is recorded in in 1526 him a list of items, spend 4 shillings (now 100 pounds) by his private shoemaker making.

2, sustainable development

In nineteenth Century, with the standard of football rules, the players began to play in uniform and equipment, weighing 500 grams, with six round nail boots.

In twentieth Century, professional shoes manufacturers began to rise. In mid twentieth Century, the German Deisler brothers invented replaceable tacks, so as to adapt to the different climate and site conditions of the game. You may not have heard of the name of the Deisler brothers, but you must know that the two sports brands Adidas and Puma are from the two brothers of the hand.

As time goes by 60, low help design began to be widely used, the basic shape of the appearance of shoes. Adidas long period has been catching up, never been beyond the dominant position, until the 80's NIKE to join the fray.

3, the commercial dispute

Today's shoe market is more science and technology + brand competition, the former brings together the major manufacturers of the top technology, lightweight, comfortable, as well as the development of the key players to become the key player style. Typical case is the Adidas in 2015 production issued a weight of only 99 grams of adizero, will be lightweight to achieve the ultimate. The latter is more focused on star endorsement, style change, as well as marketing tools. For example, the recent launch of the NIKE 2 residents Neymar exclusive color, with a limited edition box as a gimmick to attract attention.

What is the use of shoes? Three functions:

1, to enhance the level of movement

The primary role of shoes is to enhance the level of the player's movement, through a comfortable sense of the package, so that players in the transmission and control of the technical aspects of the more accurate and provide sufficient strength. In addition, a variety of high-tech elements and the integration of shoes, such as friction bars, ACC, knitted fabrics, etc., to give full play to the level of players to provide assistance.

2, provide foot protection

In the game, the player can be a deconstruction of the game for a long time without the ball running, a short time to touch the ball and against the opponent against the three types of scenes. According to the above design, the shoes can protect the foot of the players as much as possible under the premise of ensuring the performance of the sports. It is worth mentioning is that compared to provide better protection, with ordinary sports shoes, shoes tongue design, locking rear heel and sole supporting device has a significant difference.

3, to improve the grip strength

A football field is mainly natural grassland and artificial grassland, because the site is easy to slip, in order to improve grip, most shoes are fitted with spikes (suitable for flat field, with the exception of), and appearance of the spikes is shoes and shoes the biggest difference.

4, the Buff attribute: Star sense

Many amateurs have chosen and their favorite star to wear the same shoes, feeling put up the game, players will soul possessed, invincible. In fact, this is a psychological hint behavior, is one of the typical reflection of human conditions, the actual effect of It differs from man to man.

But in the crowd once and again, I look for her in vain

After introducing the development and function of the shoes, I believe you have football fans could not help but pick a favorite pair of shoes to start? Don't worry, have to consider these aspects.

1, choose style

There is a call shoes position on the school is very popular, just as its name implies, shoes should choose according to the position of player: Defender choose Berserker, the legend, the midfielder selected falcon, winger F50, assassin such. But this theory has a fatal flaw, because the same position players not the same style, more scientific methods should be selected according to the style of football shoes.

Such as power forward, need a pair of force, precise shot shoes; speed up front more in need of lightweight strong grip boots; in order to better control of the ball, the organization of midfield selection touch better natural leather fabric shoes. Therefore, the primary factor is the choice of shoes the player's style of play.

2, choose a

An important part of how to choose the spikes is the choice of shoes, usually according to the site types.


文章关键词:业余球队 业余球员 足球训练 足球培训 JBS 足球比赛 劲爆体育
