
2016-05-09 14:29:23   作者:hsx   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

合肥46中海恒分校一贯重视体艺工作,促进学生多彩发展,体育工作一直是该校的一项特色,无论是体育教学、运动比赛、体育中考都在全区甚至全市占有一席之地,特别是近两年,学校把校园足球作为学校体育教学特色来抓。2015年,该校被教育部认定为首批“全国青少年校园足球特色学校” 并顺利挂牌。 

       劲爆体育讯: 4月30日传来喜讯,合肥46中海恒分校张雨童同学成功入选参加国家少年女子足球队集训,本次集训队员全国42名,安徽省仅张雨童1人。


  合肥46中海恒分校一贯重视体艺工作,促进学生多彩发展,体育工作一直是该校的一项特色,无论是体育教学、运动比赛、体育中考都在全区甚至全市占有一席之地,特别是近两年,学校把校园足球作为学校体育教学特色来抓。2015年,该校被教育部认定为首批“全国青少年校园足球特色学校” 并顺利挂牌。2013年9月,该校首次组建男子足球队参加合肥市校园足球联赛,并获得初中乙组第四名,2014年度,该校男子足球队继续保持良好的发展态势,一举获得合肥市校园足球联赛初中乙组冠军,队员葛建龙同学参加足球特长生考试,顺利进入八中学习。2016度合肥市校园足球联赛已进入尾声,目前该校男子、女子两支足球队参加了本次联赛,男子足球队在小组赛区中以7战6胜1负的战绩昂首挺进八强,女子足球队在小组赛中以3战全胜的战绩稳居四强席位。


       April 30, came the good news, 46 sea in Hefei constant campus Zhang Yutong students successfully selected to participate in the National Youth Women's football teams in the training, the training team national 42, Anhui Province only Zhang Yutong 1 people.
Hefei 46 sea constant, has always attached importance to body art work, promote students' development, sports has been a feature of the school, whether it is physical education, sports, physical examination are in the region and even the city occupies a place, especially in recent years, the school campus football as the features of PE teaching to catch. 2015, the school was identified as the first batch of the Ministry of education, the national youth campus football school characteristics and smooth. In September 2013, the school first formed men's soccer team to participate in Hefei campus Football League, and junior high school in group B, the fourth, the year 2014. The school's men's football team continue to maintain a good momentum of development, in one fell swoop, Hefei City Campus Football League junior B Championship, players Ge Jian long students participate in football talent examination smoothly into the eight learning. 2016 of Hefei City Campus Football League has come to an end, at present the school men and women two football team participated in the the league matches, the men's soccer team in division team to seven games 6 wins 1 of the negative record swept into the quarter finals, the women's football team in the group stage with three wins record ranked four seats.

The development of school physical education, achievement, is inseparable from the Shefa Bureau leadership concern, is inseparable from the attention of the leadership of the school, is inseparable from the support of teachers and parents with, but also inseparable from the football coaches of selfless dedication.

文章关键词:女子足球 积分联赛 业余足球 业余球队 业余球员 街头足球 城市足球
