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2016-03-18 20:22:04   作者:adv09   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

北京中南红星足球学校学校简介: 北京中南红星足球学校是国家教委正式批准的九年制义务教育学校,设有,小学,初中,高中。 北京中南




    北京中南红星足球学校引入欧洲足球强国的训练理念,在技术上与南斯拉夫(现塞尔维亚黑山共和国)红星俱乐部密切合作,教练队伍与训练方案均由红星俱乐部提供.本中心以南斯拉夫为突破口,打开欧洲体育市场,并与欧洲众多俱乐部建立了关系.学校与欧洲著名体育经济公司STRTA合作密切,第一次组织了中国青少年在南斯拉夫贝尔格莱德市的青少年足球联赛.在吸取国内的足球教学经验的基础上,目的在于通过完整全面的能力开发方案,为青少年足球运动员提高高水准的专业指导和培训.  学校旨在向各年龄段/不同水平和背景的青少年足球运动员提高高水平的足球专业培训.通过完整全面的能力开发方案,并有针对性地为受训者量身制定出相应的培训计划,最大限度地发挥受训者的潜能.不论每一名受训者的基础如何,用最先进的训练方法和技术手段,为受训人员打下坚实的足球技术基础.











Beijing Central Star Football School
School profile:
Beijing central star football school is the State Education Commission formally approved the nine year compulsory education school, a primary school, junior high school, senior high school.
The introduction of European football powerhouse Beijing south red star school football training philosophy, both in technology and in Yugoslavia (now Serbia Montenegro) closely Star Club, coach and team training program provided by the Red Star Club. This center in Yugoslavia as the breakthrough point, open the European sports market, and establishes a relationship with many European school club. With the European famous sports economy company STRTA close cooperation, organized the first China youth in Yugoslavia city of Belgrade Youth Football League. In football lessons at home based on the experience of teaching, aims to complete the comprehensive ability development plan, improve the high standard of professional guidance and training for young football players to each school. Age / youth football players of different levels of background and improve the high level of professional football training. Through complete and comprehensive capacity development programmes, and potential for for trainees who formulates the corresponding training plan, to maximize play trainees. No matter every trainee based, with the most advanced training methods and technical means, for trained personnel to lay a solid football technology based.
The football coach:
The center for youth football coaches have lifelong devotion to occupation career coach, all with UEFA / the qualifications that the Football Association of Yugoslavia. From the Yugoslavia youth football coach Lalich as the school coach long coaching, training and explore the youth football star, Chinese football for conveying force; also with the world, to European football market for promising football talent, provide a bridge and link to Yugoslavia. The school year players (now Serbia Montenegro) to participate in the Youth League of Yugoslavia city of Belgrade for a period of one year. By the end of May this year, 14 (85/87) has 12 players to Tibet huitongluhua Serie B football club youth team. A transferred to the Henan youth team, a stay in Yugoslavia Red Star Club to accept the trial that The signing, to achieve full employment for the period of the players.
The purpose of education:
To learn football and English as the main line, nine-year compulsory education based on the completion of, training primary and middle school students of oral and written English ability, cultivate students' healthy body, enhance the comprehensive development of students in moral, intellectual, physical, cultivate their tenacious perseverance and hard-working spirit, important is to impart to the students learning methods, and learn from the world advanced football skills.
Training target:
From the students' interest in football to guide, correctly grasp the basic training ability, to promote the development of youth football, for the 2008 Olympic games. Seven, training means: every year to organize the team went to Europe to participate in one year of the European Youth League, improve the players to participate in international competitions, and the transfer of outstanding players in Europe to further improve.


文章关键词:红星 中南 足球学校
