
2016-04-11 10:49:01   作者:hsx   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

首届漳州”梦工厂”杯五人制足球赛本月中旬即将拉开帷幕,作为漳州业余足球上半年最大赛事之一,吸引漳州周边传统业余足球前来挑战以球会友 赛事情主办方把专业竞赛规则引入漳州联赛之中,专业裁判团队、赛事积分系统、新媒体传播方阵为赛事护航。以专业化赛事运营执行标准,让参赛球队们踢得爽,以专业赛事服务驱动球队乃至整个地区圈子的业余足球……



  本届赛事吸引32支来自漳州周边地区业余球队参与,赛制采用 世界杯淘汰赛制 即(第一阶段采用单循环制,小组前两名出线进入淘汰赛,第二阶段采用淘汰赛)32支球队开踢,角逐漳州“梦工厂”第一冠。

       业余足球赛事专业化,将会成为厦漳泉业余足球赛事标配服务趋势。更好促进业余足球发展,有利于培育闽南地区足球风潮打造全民夯足球热潮,让家长们带动小朋友到业余绿茵场上看球或许小孩就喜欢上足球这项运动。去参与其中,我们业余足球人们用专业严谨高标准去搭建一座足球 梦工厂 或许未来福建足球火种就从这一刻开始燎原...




       Recently Zhangzhou amateur football fans have a new stadium, Zhangzhou dream factory football park officially opened for Zhangzhou amateur football fans, Zhangzhou friends of the ball have more choices!

       The first Zhangzhou "dream factory" cup five soccer match in the middle ten days of a month is about to pull open heavy curtain, as Zhangzhou amateur football in the first half of the biggest event in one of, attract Zhangzhou surrounding traditional amateur football came to challenge to the friends of the ball. Event organizers to professional competition rules into Zhangzhou of the league, the professional referee team, a tournament score system, new media propagation matrix escort for the event. Professional event operators to implement the standard, so that the team who play cool, professional sports teams and even the entire area of the circle of amateur football to a higher level of development.

       The tournament attracted 32 teams from the surrounding area of Zhangzhou amateur team in, format the world cup knockout namely (the first stage uses a single round robin system, before the team two qualification to the knockout, the second stage by knockout) 32 teams play, compete for the first title of the "dream factory" in Zhangzhou.

       The amateur football professional tournament, will become the Sha Zhangquan amateur soccer tournament standard service trends. Better to promote the development of amateur football, is conducive to the cultivation of football agitation in Minnan area to build national football fever rammer, let parents drives the kids to amateur football field see ball perhaps children like on the sport of football. To participate, we amateur football people with professional and precise high standards to build a football DreamWorks perhaps in the future Fujian football fire is from this moment start a prairie fire.

       Zhangzhou "dream factory" FIFA Futsal tournament official exclusive amateur football partner - playing football to provide system events and event publicity for this event, hand in hand together to create high-quality amateur soccer tournament brand and new experiences.

文章关键词:积分联赛 业余足球 业余比赛 业余球队 业余球员 街头足球 城市足球 JBS 劲爆足球
