
2016-03-23 10:35:39   作者:hsx   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文




        此外,通过增加专业足球教师员额,开展教练员、裁判员培训,不断开辟运动场地,政府部门为南安足球的基石添砖加瓦。目前,南安103所学校共成立球队200多支,其中有31所活动定点学校常年开展校园足球训练。    “我们每周都有一节足球课,此外一周还有两次足球兴趣班的课,想学足球的孩子都可以参加。”南安市第二小学足球教师刘伟腾介绍说。

       “我们的文体新局总共就12个人的编制,管体育的才两个人,很早就把市场的事情交给协会去做。”南安市文化体育新闻出版局局长吴佳和表示,南安足球较早在全国实行管办分离,政府部门和协会各展所长。 “体育部门主要起协调引导和业务指导的作用,集中精力和资金在基础工作上。而协会则比较灵活,办赛事、拉赞助,完全按市场的规律去运作。”吴佳和说。

       作为闽南沿海的侨乡,南安经济发展快速,群众体育热情也很高,但在2005年之前,却只有一些很松散的足球比赛。 “2005年足协成立后,我们从五人制赛事组织开始,逐渐拓展到八人制、十一人制,然后又有了‘慈善杯国际足球邀请赛’、‘市长杯’中小学生足球联赛和闽 籍大学生足球联赛。”南安市足协主席戴宽南表示,近年来南安的社会足球、校园足球、业余足球开展得红红火火,其规模和参与人数在福建省都首屈一指。

        作为纯粹的民间组织,南安足协的活动更为灵活方便,“我本人是做企业的,当年被一群足球爱好者的热情所感动才牵头成立的南安足协。现在我们足协有16位副 主席都是有所成就的企业家,我们就发动他们一个人赞助两个乡镇的足球场地和装备。”戴宽南表示,通过创新“慈善+足球”、“企业+足球”等方式,热心企业 为南安足球的场地装备、赛事组织等方面的发展提供了保障。

        2005年刚刚成立时,南安足协仅有30多名会员,到如今会员上千人,各乡镇和驻地部队也纷纷建立分会,各级联赛、友谊赛、邀请赛、文化节等各种比赛纷纷 举办,仅足协自己组织的赛事十年间就达到了几千场,参赛人数上万人。夯实了群众参与的底子,南安足球近两年来逐渐显现成效。2014年,南安获批“福建省青少年校园足球活动布局城市”,成为首个获批县级市;2015年,南安市青少年足球俱乐部被国家体育总局命名为“国家级青少年体育俱乐部”,29所学校被国家教育部命名为“全国青少年校园足球特色学校”。


        “我们刚刚成立了事业发展部,在未来的五年,协会将完全实现自我造血。”戴宽男表示,目前南安各项足球赛事发展已初步成熟,具有较高的社会关注度。足协将通过赛事运作、场地投资等方式,实现年利润超过百万元的近期目标。  “未来我们希望能获得全国校园足球试点县,要有自己的职业队,未来的中国国家队有南安籍的球员。”对南安足球的未来,戴宽南充满期待。






     , October 27th sports news  the first National Games an invigorating autumn climate in October, held in Fujian. In Quanzhou, Nanan, hosted the games the game has just ended, another important event in primary and middle school students -- the mayor's Cup football match has kicked off.

    This is the fourth Nanan mayor's Cup football tournament, to expand the scale again, the team reached more than 70 branches, men and women's primary school, junior high school and senior high school group level, the schedule for two months.
The foundation: associations and government events. Provide support for the "Mayor Cup", Nanan is the vigorous development of the campus football. In 2012, the establishment of the Nanan campus football work leading group, the mayor personally headed the municipal government allocated 1 million yuan each year, as the campus football special funds.

     In addition, by increasing the number of the teachers professional football coaches and referees, to carry out training, and constantly open up sports venues, government departments as the cornerstone of the Nanan football.

     At present, Nanan 103 schools were established in the team more than 200 branches, 31 of which activities designated school year to carry out campus football training.

     "We have a football lesson every week, in a week there are two football interest class, want to learn the children can participate in football." Nanan City, second primary school football teacher Liu Weiteng said.

     New style: "our total bureau compiled 12 people, tube sports only two people, very early on the market to do things to the association." Nanan City, culture and Sports News Publishing Bureau Wujia and said, Nanan football earlier in the country to implement the tube do separation, government departments and associations to develop their potentials.

     "The sports sector plays a key role in coordinating and guiding the business, focusing on the work of the foundation and the fund.". And the association is more flexible, do events, pull sponsorship, according to the laws of the market to operate completely." Wu Jiahe said.

     As the southern coast of the hometown of overseas Chinese, Nanan economic rapid development, mass sports enthusiasm is very high, but in 2005 before, but only a few loose football game.

     "After the establishment of the football association in 2005, we start from the Futsal tournament organization, and gradually expand to the eight people, 11 person, then 'charity Cup International Soccer Invitation Tournament', 'mayor's Cup' Football League of primary and secondary school students and Fujian Nationality University Football League." Nanan City, chairman of the Football Association wear Kuannan said that in recent years Nanan social soccer, the campus football, amateur football development is booming, the scale and participate in number in Fujian Province are second to none.

      As a purely civil society organizations, the Nanan Football Association's activities more flexible and convenient, I am doing business, was moved by a group of football fans were moved to lead the establishment of the Nanan football association. Now that we have 16 vice president of the football association is an achievement of entrepreneurs, we have launched a person to sponsor two of the township's football venues and equipment." Dai Kuannan said, through innovative charity + football, business + football and other ways, the enthusiastic business for the development of Nanan football venues and equipment, and other aspects of the organization provides a guarantee.

     Newly established in 2005, Nanan FA only more than 30 members, to now thousands of members, the township and the resident troops have established branch, League at all levels, friendly, invited competition, cultural festival etc. various competitions have been held, only football association to organize their own events ten years reached the thousands of field, number of entries tens of thousands of people. To lay the solid foundation for the masses to participate in the football foundation, Nanan in recent years gradually show results.

     In 2014, Nanan approved the "Fujian Province youth campus football layout of the city, become the first approved county-level city; 2015, Nanan City Youth Football Club has been named the" National Youth Sports Club "National Sports Bureau, 29 schools the Ministry of education was named" national youth campus football school".
"In recent years, Nanan province level match scored 16 championship. Women's football is ranked first in the province's second only to Xiamen and Fuzhou, it is not easy for a county-level city." Dai Kuannan said.

     "We have just established a business development department, in the next five years, the association will fully achieve self hematopoiesis." Dai Kuannan said that at present the Nanan football development has been mature, has a high degree of social concern. The football association will be through competition operation, site investment, short-term goals to achieve annual profit of more than one million yuan.

     "The future we want to get the national campus football pilot county, have their own occupation team from Nanan's national team players in the future Chinese." In Nanan the future of football, wearing a wide south full of expectation.

文章关键词:积分联赛 业余足球 业余比赛 业余球队 业余球员 街头足球 城市足球 JBS 劲爆足球
