
2016-03-11 16:25:00   作者:adv09   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

People love to retro jerseys will never stop, the 1990s style Shirt Jersey has now become very attractive, a No

People love to retro jerseys will never stop, the 1990s style Shirt Jersey has now become very attractive, a Norwegian photographer Elliott Wilcox spent some thoughts, to show you the throwback jerseys of the charm.

As Jersey becomes old antique, our best years was locked up in a hell of a time, but Neil Bedford many years ago in the bar took photos of fans wearing vintage jerseys, which became the art now Elliott is in the 1990s style into his mark.
Remember Cantona in the late 90's collar dress? They would be included among them, but you don't expect to see Cantona himself, although the authenticity is very important, but the purpose is to enjoy.


人们对复古球衣的热爱永远不会停止,上世纪90年代的衬衫式球衣现在已变的非常有吸引力,挪威摄影师Elliott Wilcox花了一些心思,向大家展示了复古球衣的魅力。
随着球衣变成老古董,我们的美好年华也被关进了时间地狱,但Neil Bedford很多年前在酒吧拍下了球迷穿着古董球衣的照片后,这就成为了一门艺术,现在Elliott正在将90年代的风格注入自己印记。



文章关键词:球衣 风采
