
足球发展任重道远 努力方向在民间
2016-03-23 14:30:08   作者:adv09   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文



        中国足球在最近三年里获得了全世界媒体的关注,甚至因为国家主席习近平的球迷身份,许多政治媒体也争相报道中国足球,足球热正在中国土地上发酵。  少年足球热  倪延硕是北京一家英文媒体编辑,他每周末都会陪今年11岁的儿子去踢球。他儿子四年前进入“银潮俱乐部”踢球,这家足球俱乐部在北京小有名气,主要面向四到十几岁的儿童,开设不同层次的足球训练课程。银潮拥有十几个班,大部分孩子都像他儿子一样,出于喜好踢球。此外银潮还培养自己俱乐部的专业梯队,在训练强度和专业程度上会比业余班更深入,几年来银潮专业班的不少孩子进入了职业足球体系。  国家主席习近平可以说是中国“最著名”的球迷,他在多种场合谈及自己对足球的热爱,这一举动让足球在中国迅速升温,一系列改革正在中国的绿茵场上进行着。  

       今年2月27日,中国推出足球改革方案,设定了近期、中期和远期目标。实现青少年足球人口大幅增加,职业联赛组织和竞赛水平达到亚洲一流是中期目标之一。而足球后备人员的培养被认为是改革中最为关键的一环,而校园足球恰恰又是重中之重。  最近几年在中国的基础教育改革中,足球特长相比之前得到了更大的关照,像倪延硕的儿子这样球踢得好的孩子,在小学升入初中的过程中,能获得更多进入好学校的机会。  热潮、低谷和复兴  最近两年因为升学的优势,越来越多的家长开始让孩子进行系统的足球启蒙训练,这促进了中国校园足球的发展。  中国上一个足球热潮是在上世纪90年代中期,那时中国刚刚建立起职业足球联赛体系,足球一度成为非常火热的产业。当时流行的球员培养模式是足球学校模式,来自全国各地的足球少年进入一所相对封闭的学校,远离家庭,孩子们吃住在一起,文化学习脱节于普通的学校教育。  

        2002年,中国国家足球队第一次打进世界杯。中国足球在一瞬间的兴奋之后很快走入低谷,不管是国家队成绩还是社会对足球的认同感,都呈现下降的态势。直到最近几年,国家依法打击足球赛场上的黑假现象,逐渐让足球环境得到了改善,国内联赛恢复到一个积极健康的状态,加上各俱乐部财政上的投入加大,一批世界级球星来到中国在中超赛场上大展风采。慢慢地,中超多家俱乐部有了竞争亚洲冠军的实力,足球热潮再一次席卷中国。  这样的改变让足球的正面价值得以彰显,而此时,家长们也都逐渐愿意重新审视足球对孩子成长的积极作用。徐松是新华社的一名记者,他希望儿子能加入学校足球队,进行更系统的足球训练。他说:“我自己就热爱足球,所以很了解足球对于一个男孩儿来说意味着什么,除了锻炼身体,晒黑皮肤,足球还能教给孩子如何与人相处,如何团队作战,什么才是公平竞赛。”  


       在一个有着13亿人口基数的国家,当足球逐渐进入校园后,踢球少年的数量会以惊人的速度增加。然而专业人士认为,让孩子接触足球,培养兴趣,核心价值在于培养他们的健身意识,至于职业足球水平和国家足球成绩的提升,还要考虑到更多的因素。  足球产业崛起  在北京、上海、广州等大城市,以及大连、青岛这些足球传统城市,很多人踢球的习惯从未改变。“西天意”是北京西城一只纯业余足球队,成员大部分来自西城区天意商场附近几家机关事业单位,每个周末他们都在“天意”西边的一块小场地踢球,因此取名“西天意”。这支球队十年前开始组建,目前球员最年轻的20多岁,最年长的已经超过50岁。西天意只是北京数以千计的业余球队中最普通的一支,许多业余足球联赛的火热程度绝不逊色。  除了在大城市,最近几年的足球热也正迅速向二三线城市渗透。魏煜斌是四川省自贡市的一个银行职员,初中时他曾经是足球尖子生,后来他虽然没有成为职业球员,但参加工作后一直保持着踢球的习惯。据他介绍,曾经有一度自贡能踢球的场地非常少,许多拥有球场的学校也不对社会开放。但最近几年这种情况发生了变化。他说,在自贡这样城乡总人口300万的城市,最近两年“冒”出来好多五人制球场,朋友们的聚会开始从麻将桌搬到了足球场,像他这样的三十多岁的年轻人成为五人球场的主要消费者。  

        作为一个正在上升的产业,万达、恒大、绿地、淘宝、中信等一批中国最著名的企业都在不同程度的关注和投资职业足球。然而足球产业金字塔的下端,还有巨大的民间足球投资市场有待开发,其中五人制球场就是一种热门投资项目。经营者租下场地,定期维护管理,按时间向踢球者出租,并在场地附近经营餐饮购物等足球周边生意。此外,像球鞋、球衣、皮球这样的装备产品,更是因为足球人口不断的增长而具有相当好的发展前景。  过去十年,北京奥运会一直是中国人最经典的体育记忆,如今足球在民间的升温将有可能产生另一个用体育激励国家发展的案例。



In August 2014, in Brazil a professional consulting company released over a season in the world football club attendance ranking Top100. Beijing Guoan ranked 38, averaging 39269. With the national security team performance in the league and the intercontinental competition has gradually risen, Guoan home court attendance is steadily rising. And on this list, the Chinese team attendance rate is the highest in the Guangzhou Heng brigade, ranked 35, in the Asian team in most ranked first. Guangzhou Hengda won the League Championship in 2013 AFC Champions League. Chinese soccer in recent three years won the worldwide media attention, even because of the identity of the president, Xi Jinping fans, many political media also scrambling to report China football, soccer fever is Chinese land fermentation. The young football fever in Beijing Ni Yanshuo is an English Media Editor, he will accompany the 11 year old son to play every weekend. His son four years ago to enter the "silver tide football club, a football club in Beijing famous, mainly for four teenage children, set up different levels of football training courses. Silver tide has ten classes, most children like his son, like playing out. In addition, silver tide also cultivate my club professional team, than the amateur classes more in-depth in training strength and professional level, many children in recent years Yinchao class professional soccer system entered the occupation. President, Xi Jinping, it can be said is "the most famous Chinese fans, he in a variety of occasions talked about his love of football, the move to let the football in China rapidly warming, a series of reform is China's green field.
In February 27th this year, China launched the football reform program, set up short-term, medium and long-term goals. To achieve a substantial increase in the population of Youth Football League, occupation organization and level of competition is one of the best in Asia reached the medium-term goal. And football reserve personnel training is considered to be the most crucial in the reform of the ring, and the campus football is just the top priority. In recent years in the reform of basic education in China, football expertise compared to before has been more attention, like the son of Ni Yanshuo this ball kicks have good children, in the primary school to junior high school, can gain greater access to the good schools. Boom, trough and the revival of the last two years because of the advantages of further studies, more and more parents began to let their children to the system of football enlightenment training, which promotes the development of China's campus football. China football fever in the last century 90's in the middle of the last century, when China has just established a professional football league system, football has become a very hot industry. Then popular players training model is the model in football school, from all over the country youth soccer into a relatively closed schools, away from home, children live and eat together, cultural learning is disconnected from the ordinary school education. 2002, China's national football team scored the world cup for the first time. Chinese football after a moment of excitement soon into the trough, whether it is national team performance or social identity of football, have shown a downward trend. Until recent years, the state in accordance with the law against soccer pitch black false phenomenon, and gradually let the football environment improved, domestic league returned to a positive and healthy state, with the club's financial investment to increase, a number of world class players came to China in the superior athletic field exhibition style. Slowly, more than a number of clubs with the strength of the Asian Champions League competition, football fever once again swept china. Such changes so that the positive price of football worth highlighting, and at this time, parents are also willing to re-examine the positive role of football on the growth of children. Xu Song is a reporter for the Xinhua news agency. He wants his son to join the school football team for more systematic football training. He said: "I love football knows all too well what football means for a boy, in addition to exercise, tanned skin, football, and can teach to children how to get along with people, how to combat team, what is a fair competition."
It in a 1 billion 300 million population country, when playing football gradually after entering the campus, the number of juvenile will increase at an alarming rate. However, professionals believe that, let the children touch football, raises the interest, the core value is to cultivate their sense of fitness, as for the promotion of professional football and the national football achievements, also taking into account the more factors. The rise of the football industry in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big city, Qingdao and Dalian, these traditional football city, a lot of people playing habits never change. "West of Providence" is the Beijing Xicheng a pure amateur football team, members mostly from Xicheng District Tianyi mall near several institutions, every weekend, they were in the west of the "mandate of heaven" a small piece of field play, hence the name of the "west of Providence". The team started ten years ago, is currently the youngest player at the age of 20, the oldest has more than 50 years old. West Providence is Beijing thousands of amateur team the most common a, many amateur football league fiery degree absolutely inferior. In addition to the big city, football fever in recent years is rapidly to two or three line city penetration. Wei Yubin is, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, a bank clerk, junior high school when he was the top student in the football, then he didn't become a professional player, but to work has maintained a habit of playing. According to him, once Zigong can play the venue is very small, many schools have the stadium is not open to the community. 

文章关键词:积分联赛 个人足球 业余足球 业余球队 业余球员 街头足球 城市足球 七人足球 五人足球
