
2016-08-05 23:14:39   作者:admin   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文

球队名称:球祺,名字取同音“求其”,源于我们在为给球队起名时费尽心机,目的就要名字不能求求其其,有很多提议都得不到大伙的共识,最后选定“球祺”以证不求其。《康熙字典》:祺,吉也,福也。 "球祺 "顾名思义就是快乐足球。同时谐音 "求其 "喻意包容, 能够广纳百川、以球会友。

        球队名称:球祺,名字取同音“求其”,源于我们在为给球队起名时费尽心机,目的就要名字不能求求其其,有很多提议都得不到大伙的共识,最后选定“球祺”以证不求其。《康熙字典》:祺,吉也,福也。"球祺"顾名思义就是快乐足球。同时谐音"求其"喻意包容, 能够广纳百川、以球会友。
   球队队徽,形状是一个盾牌,象征球队的坚强、团结和荣耀。主颜色是黄、红两色,黄色象征希望,红色象征胜利。队徽上的“Qiuqi F.C 1999"表示球祺足球俱乐部成立于1999年。




     In the summer 1999,a group of good friends of the like-minded came together in the Houjie town in Dongguang city.In the beginning,they participated in the football activities just for losing their weights.After,it formed into one group and they played with other football groups.As a result,the football match we took part in became a kind of activities including exercise,entertainment and competition.
     The name of the group calls Qiuqi,from the homophony of" qiuqi",which is so because we have racked our brains in naming in order to let our name not to be just unceremonious.There have been many proposals which could not satisfy everyone's consensus ,so at last we chose Qiuqi as to show that it is not named at random.
     According to Kangxi Dictionary,qi means auspiciousness or felicity.Qiuqi,just as its name implies,is happy football.At the same time,the partial tone of" qiuqi" means a lot,like embracing different kinds of people,making friends via football.
     The shape of the team badge is a shield,which symbolizes the toughness ,unity and glory of the team.Its main color are yellow and red.Yellow symbolizes hope.Red symbolizes victory.Qiuqi F.C 1999 on the team badge denotes that Qiuqi Football Club was founded in 1999.

文章关键词:东莞足球 业余足球 街头足球 JBS 业余球员 业余比赛 劲爆足球 快乐足球
