
青训足球怎么搞 校园普及混搭精英培训
2016-03-22 20:17:36   作者:adv09   阅读数:   我要发言(0)   收藏本文







       我省采取了哪些措施做好校园足球工作呢?李鸣坦言:“我们采取了7项主要措施,一是加快推进足球运动普及,二是建立校园足球四级联赛体系,三是加强校园足球师资队伍建设,四是加大校园足球经费支持力度,五是建设中小学校园足球特色学校,六是建立校园足球特色学校激励机制,七是强化学校体育安全保险制度。”那么,如何确保中小学校学生每天有固定时间踢球?李鸣表示:“我省正在加强校园足球的课程建设,将把足球课正式列入课程表,体育课时设置从小学三至六年级每周3节体育课提高为4节,初中、高中每周2节提高到3节。足球特色学校要把足球作为必修课。高中阶段学校每学年保证安排不少于一个模块的足球项目教学(18学时)。义务教育阶段学校每周要拿出一节体育课开展足球教学,课余和课外活动时间作为足球的‘第二课堂’,真正把足球纳入学校体育课程教学体系,作为体育课必修内容。”    对于我省校园足球工作存在的困难和不足,李鸣坦言:“目前还存在专业足球教师、教练员短缺,体育场地不足,校园足球工作经费不足等制约我省校园足球工作发展的不利因素。我们也在想方设法解决存在的问题,开展‘校园足球专家校园行’活动、选派大中小学足球教师赴法国留学等举措都得到了各学校和基层教练的支持。”去年9月至12月前往法国蒙彼利埃大学进行了深造的西安财院足球队教练霍小虎坦言:“这段短暂的留学经历的确收获很大,更新了我们的足球理念,掌握了国外先进的足球教学、组织赛事的模式。”    

       打造精英,地方足协在行动    教育部门在行动,体育特别是主管足球的西安市足协也没闲着。2015年10月,中国足协在成都召开了“中国足协青训中心(营)筹备会议”,计划通过在全国20个足球基础好的城市开设青训中心、训练营,以点带面,重塑中国足球金字塔体系。中国足协将原本用于青少年校园足球活动的,每年由国家体彩公益金拨付的5600万元用于5个足球试点城市(成都、武汉、广州、大连、青岛)以及20个足球重点城市的青训中心、青训营的启动。按照中国足协的设想,青少年在校园足球广泛开展的基础上,地方足协应做好精英运动员业余训练和竞技系列队伍专业训练的工作,既不影响运动员正常文化课学习,又能为各级国家队和职业俱乐部输送优秀的足球人才。    

      作为足球重点城市之一,西安也已于去年开始着手打造自己的青少年足球精英培训基地(青训中心),“我们在城东的三殿中心小学和东城第一小学、城北的太华路小学和东元路学校、城南的文艺路小学和大庆路小学、城西的车辆小学和阿房路一校以及莲湖区远东第二小学、丰庆路小学这10所学校建立了精英培训基地,每个基地优选出30名左右的精英学员,他们每周日都会在这些硬件设施较好的学校进行集中训练,每个基地配备两名教练,一名是当地学校的体育老师,负责协调和管理学员,另一名是我们市足协精心选派的具有专业或职业足球从业经历的高水平教练,教练员的津贴(每人每次训练课150元)、教材和向学员免费提供的装备等都由我们市足协来承担,每年的费用都在五六十万,去年由于中国足协的经费还没有拨下来,我们都是在市体育局的大力支持下自筹资金解决的,今年有了中国足协的资金支持,情况应该会好很多。”近年来一直从事西安市青少年足球普及和培训工作的市足协青少部负责人王战斗介绍道。对于目前存在的问题,王战斗也直言不讳:“按照我们当初的设想,是希望能以这10所足球传统学校为中心,带动周边更多学校加入到精英培训计划中来,使我们的选才面更宽,让更多没有在这些足球传统学校上学的好苗子也被更多地发掘出来,但目前来看,效果还不是很理想,参加精英培训的学员还是更多集中在这10所学校中。另外,各培训基地内部也存在学员年龄段划分不够明确,与省上的全运会梯队体系形成衔接困难的问题。更重要的是,在我们计划扩大培训基地数目的过程中,也遇到了一些学校对我们委派的精英教练不够信任的问题,这些都需要我们进一步与教育部门和学校方面进行沟通,增进了解和联系。”王战斗还表示:“针对孩子们提出的比赛少、高水平比赛更少的问题,我们今年就准备组织精英联赛,让这10个培训点能够通过比赛互动起来,相互学习和提高。”    对于参与精英培训计划的学员未来的出路,王战斗说:“这次省上全运梯队挑选2004/2005年龄段的小球员,我们这里有7名孩子被选上了,未来,他们可以选择进入专业队序列,也可继续留在学校读书。对于更多的孩子而言,经过精英培训后,足球技术肯定会得到提高,以足球特长生身份进入高新一中、铁一中、师大附中等好中学的几率肯定也会提高很多。”


In Shaanxi this piece of land on the ground of football, football hope "kind" already, have even begun to reveal Rui fang. In some sort of social youth soccer training institutions, primary and secondary schools in football, province youth football training center and college football development, end as a series of reports, we visited the provincial and city on the football academy department responsible person and ask them to outline the present and future of "Sanqin football".
The popularity of the campus, the education sector initiatives

As the person in charge of the director of Shaanxi Youth campus football, Shaanxi Province Education Office Sports Health and art education department director Li Ming director clerk Li Liang is have the right to speak. Li Ming said: "National Work Conference on December 2014 Youth campus football determined the education sector leading campus football since, we are established, education, sports and other six departments of the province's youth campus football work leading group and its office and perform the duties of the school football macro guidance, coordination and integrated management. Second, according to the six departments of the Ministry of education accelerate the implementation of the views of the development of youth campus football and Shaanxi Provincial Government of reform and development for football embodiment of spirit, formulated the "Shaanxi Province to accelerate and promote youth campus football work to implement the views". In Campus Soccer activities have been carried out for more than three years in the school, the selection of the hardware facilities, strong football foundation, teachers with the campus football school characteristics of 265, given the focus of support, to promote campus football popularity. Four is the initial establishment of the campus football league system in our province." He added: "to 2017, in the province at all levels of all kinds of schools in general to carry out the campus football activities on the basis of the 750 schools will be built in 2025 to build 1800. Strive for the construction of high level football teams in Colleges and universities and a group of 8 youth campus football base."

What measures have been taken in our province to do a good job on campus football? Li Ming said: "we take the seven main measures, one is to accelerate the development of football popularization, second is to establish four campus football league system, the third is to strengthen the construction of teachers in the campus football, four is to increase the campus football funding support, five is the construction of primary and secondary schools soccer school, six is the establishment of Campus Soccer School incentive mechanism, strengthen the school sports safety insurance system." So, how to ensure that primary and secondary school students have a fixed time every day to play football? Li Ming said: "in our province is to strengthen the course construction of the campus football, will football class officially included in the curriculum, sports class set from grade three to six week 3 PE improve 4 sections, junior high school, high school every 2 day increased to 3. The characteristic school of football should take the football as a required course. The school of high school each school year to ensure that the arrangement of not less than one module of the football Project Teaching (18 hours). Compulsory education stage school a week to come up with a PE lesson to carry out the football teaching, extra-curricular and extracurricular activities time as football 'second class', the real football into the school sports curriculum teaching system, as the contents of compulsory physical education. " For the difficulties and deficiencies existing in the campus football work in our province, Li Ming said: "still exist in professional football teachers, coaches shortage, lack of sports venues, the lack of funding for the campus football control the disadvantageous factors of the campus football work development in our province. We also are trying to solve the problems, 'Campus football experts on campus "activities, selected middle and Primary School of football teachers went to France to study abroad and other initiatives have been the support of schools and grass-roots coaches." Last year September to December to Montpellier University, the study of Xi'an school soccer team coach Huo Xiaohu said: "this short study abroad experience indeed great harvest, update the our football philosophy, mastering foreign advanced football teaching and organize events."

To create elite and local football association in action in the education sector in action, sports, especially football director of Xi'an City, the football association have not been idle. October 2015, the Chinese Football Association in Chengdu held a "Chinese Football Association Youth Training Center (cAMP) preparatory meeting", the youth center, a training camp opened in the city 20 national football foundation, fan out from point to area, and reshape the Chinese football pyramid system. The Chinese Football Association will originally used in youth football activities on campus and annually by the national lottery public welfare fund disbursement of 56 million yuan for five football pilot cities (Chengdu, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Dalian, Qingdao and 20 football important city youth center, youth training camp started. According to the idea of the Chinese Football Association, the youth football on campus to carry out a wide range of foundation, the local football association should do a good job in elite athletes in amateur training and competitive series professional team training, which does not affect the normal athletes culture course learning, but also for all levels of the national team and professional club transportation outstanding football talents. As one of the main Soccer City, Xi'an has also started last year to build their own elite youth soccer training base (Youth Training Center), "we in the east of the West Temple three Central Primary School and primary school, North East first Taihua Road Primary School and Dong Yuan Lu school, south of the Yi Road and Daqing Road Primary School, primary school the vehicle and Road Primary School Epang school and second primary school, Lianhu District Far East Fung Hing Road Primary School the 10 schools established elite training base, each base selected about 30 elite students, they will be better in every Sunday the hardware facilities of the school are focused on training, each base is equipped with two coaches, a is the local school sports.

文章关键词:积分联赛 业余足球 业余球员 业余球队 城市足球 劲爆体育
